Can PHP and ASP.NET Run Together Within the Same Web Site in Iis 7.5

Can PHP and ASP.Net run together within the same web site in IIS 7.5?

You should be able to run both in the same site, but be sure that the AppPool for the site runs a "classic" ASP.NET pool configuration. The default AppPool routes everything through ASP.NET, and you won't want that for your PHP pages.

Other than that, you should be fine. Query strings, files, and back-end databases will be the best way to share data between pages.

Mixing PHP and ASP.NET under same domain

ASP.NET and PHP will happily co-reside in the same website. From your comments you are asking if it is ok to put your PHP application in a folder of its own and turn this into an application. Yes that is perfectly fine to do.

Just make sure that you've configured PHP properly which means running a non-threadsafe build of PHP using FastCGI:

Using FastCGI to Host PHP Applications on IIS 7

That is the recommended way to run PHP on IIS6 and IIS7 now.

How to run ASP.NET and PHP on same machine?

i found this helpful:

is it posible php and share the same server?

You can install PHP to run alongside an IIS installation with the Microsoft WebMatrix tool.

On a sidenote, Helicon has a selection of PHP/Ruby/etc applications that can be easily deployed to an IIS installation via WebMatrix.

PHP and MVC 3 in single IIS

Yes, you should be able to do that. You won't be able to share sessions and such though, but you might have to change the IIS Application Pool Configuration in order for this to work properly.

Take a look at:
Can PHP and ASP.Net run together within the same web site in IIS 7.5?

Main website on ASP.NET C# with folder in PHP

Make the php website a subfolder of your main ASP.NET site as described in Create a Separate Site or Virtual Directory for PHP Content.

See also Can PHP and ASP.Net run together within the same web site in IIS 7.5?

Multiple web-sites running in IIS simulatenously

Yes, it is a restriction and this one website can have only 10 simultanious connections.

Buy a Windows 2003 or 2008 Small Business Edition, it is quite cost-effective in this scenario.

Is it possible to configure Apache to host both an ASP.NET Web Service and a PHP Web site?

You can't. The best way is to setup apache and IIS on the same machine. Since it is dev you can just bind Apache to port 8080 or something. If you need them on separate IPs you need to make sure to change IIS to not bind to all addresses if you want to run both on port 80.

My setup is similar except in dev I bind apache to port 8080 and then on production we run servers with both IIS and Apache where unique IPs have to be binded to by each server.

For running them on binded ports, same ip (dev)

For running them on same machine binded to different IPs on port 80:

Deploy ASP.NET application in the same web site as Sharepoint

You need to look into Managed Paths and excluding the path to your bugtrackernet app.

However why do you HAVE to use the default web application?

Why not keep your life simple and setup a new IIS web application on a separate host header or subdomain and host your app there.



or just


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