Array_Key_Exists Is Not Working

PHP array_key_exists does not work; array is not multi-dimensional

since you are reading from a file, you may be getting other characters, try trim():

if (array_key_exists(trim($in_data['country_select']), $countries)){ 
echo "Country Found";
else { echo "failed"; }

array_key_exists is not working well

array_key_exists() search for keys not values.

In your first case, you x3 is in value.

So, its not searching.

In this case you can use in_array(), this function searches
for values.

In second case, x3 is key, therefore, searching properly.

PHP array_key_exists not working

"image_id" key is on nested array under position 0.

It should be:

if (array_key_exists("image_id", $myarray[0]))

PHP array_key_exists not working correctly

array_key_exists is only for arrays, while the $json variable contains an object.

Either change $json to be an array or use property_exists for the object.

Example to transform $json into an array

$json = json_decode($read, true);

array_key_exists() not working properly

This should work:

$descriptionArr = array( "uk/page"=>"", "uk/page-two"=>"description of page 2");

function getDescription($uri, $descriptionArr){
if (false !== array_key_exists($uri, $descriptionArr)) {
return $descriptionArr[$uri];
} else {
return false;

array_key_exists is not working

array_key_exists does NOT work recursive (as Matti Virkkunen already pointed out). Have a look at the PHP manual, there is the following piece of code you can use to perform a recursive search:

function array_key_exists_r($needle, $haystack)
$result = array_key_exists($needle, $haystack);
if ($result) return $result;
foreach ($haystack as $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$result = array_key_exists_r($needle, $v);
if ($result) return $result;
return $result;

array_key_exists not working correctly

No, it shouldn't. array_key_exists checks for the existance of keys, not values. Your $uploadpriv_ass array's last key is 4, and you're passing the value of 5 to array_key_exists. Since $uploadpriv_ass[5] is not set, you're not getting the "T".

array_key_exists not working properly

If i well understand, 'resource_id' doesnt exist all the time
So what you want to test is if it exist in $_POST array :

if(array_key_exists('resource_id', $_POST) == false)
$_POST['resource_id'] = 'undefined';

PHP in_array and array_key_exists not working for SESSION

You need to change if(!empty($_SESSION["cart_item"])) to if(isset($_SESSION["cart_item"])). Also check for the $_SESSION that is a simple array or not, for matching with in_array, you need to have array like i assign.

As you mention _since my $SESSION has a multidimensional array, SO make sure your array is a single dimension if you are using in_array.

let the variables likes this:

$_SESSION["cart_item"] = array('1', '2', '3');
$_GET['code'] = '3';

if(isset($_SESSION["cart_item"])) {
if(in_array($_GET['code'], $_SESSION["cart_item"])){
echo "hiiii";
echo "byeee";}
}else {
$itemArray = array( $_GET['code'] => array('pcode'=> $_GET['code']) );
$_SESSION["cart_item"] = $itemArray;

Result: hiiii

Now its time to use array_key_exists.

Lets change array:

$_SESSION["cart_item"] = array('1' => array(6, 7, 8), '2' => array(2, 4, 6), '3' => array(1, 5, 9));

if(array_key_exists($_GET['code'], $_SESSION["cart_item"])){
echo "hiiii from key exists";
echo "byeee";

Result: hiiii from key exists

Note: I think you understand how to use and where to use in_array
and array_key_exists.

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