PHP Create and Save a Txt File to Root Directory

PHP Create and Save a txt file to root directory

It's creating the file in the same directory as your script. Try this instead.

$content = "some text here";
$fp = fopen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/myText.txt","wb");

html/php create and save text file to root directory with custom filename

HTML can't create files.

Assuming you have a single file (let's call it “index.php”), here is an example of code necessary to deal with both the server-side php code and the client-side html code.

if( $_POST["name"] || $_POST["data"] ) {
$name = $_POST['name'];
$data = $_POST['data'];

// Do something if file already exists

// Creates file if it doens't exist
file_put_contents($name , $data);
<form action = "?" method = "POST" id="raw-text" >
<textarea name="data" rows="10" id="raw" style="word-wrap: break-word; resize: horizontal; height: 700px; width: 99%"></textarea>
<input name="name" placeholder="File Name here"></input>
<button name="submit">Send!</button>

The above is capable of creating a file and inserting the data typed by the user.

If the php script is in a separate file, you can change the
<form action = "?" to <form action = "Path_To_File".

Note that:

$_POST['…'] retrieves the named html tags from the form.

See for details about the file_put_contents php function.

But, I agree with comments, this is not a secure way to do.

This code is an example and you need to test many things to make it secure and implement it in your application.

And you need to be sure that the files that the users will be creating aren't system files or php files that allow them to do anything they want.

PHP create text file on server

You have to make sure that:

  • the folder /lib exists in the document root
  • the webserver process has permission to write to that folder.

If you create the folder with your ftp account, the webserver process will have no access. You can set permissions to 777, but then everyone has access. Best would be to set permission to 770 and make the group of the folder the webserver group id.

How to create file in special directory using PHP

$path_to_file = " " //Make sure $path_to_file is the full path, something like /home/user/public_html/etc/ <br>  
$yourFileName = 'myfile';
$ourFileHandle= fopen($path_to_file.$yourFileName, 'w') or die('Permission error');

Create a .txt file and store it on a specific folder Laravel

Check out the filesystems.php file and add a specific configuration for the directory you want to read/write. After doing so, you will be able to create a file using the File facade by specifying your disk like so: File::disk('my-disk').

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