Separate Space-Delimited Words in a String

Separate space-delimited words in a string

The easiest would be to use explode:

$words = explode(' ', $str);

But that does only accept fixed separators. split an preg_split do accept regular expressions so that your words can be separated by multiple spaces:

$words = split('\s+', $str);
// or
$words = preg_split('/\s+/', $str);

Now you can additionally remove leading and trailing spaces with trim:

$words = preg_split('/\s+/', trim($str));

Trying to split a string in C by a space and use the second word

For your use case you should be using

char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);

it finds the substring in the provided string.

For example:

char receive[1024];
int read = recv(client_socket, &receive, 1024, 0);
receive[read] = '\0';

if (strstr(receive, "user")) {
printf("User has requested chat with....");

how to split a string using space delimiter in C unix?

Your problem can be split into two parts, part A you need to split the sentence into words and part B you need to print a maximum of x characters per line.

Part A - Split the String

Take a look at the strok function. You can use space as the delimiter.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// You need this line if you use Visual Studio
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)

int main()
char myString[] = "the quick brown fox";
char* newString;
newString= strtok(myString, " ,.-");
while (newString!= NULL)
printf("%s\n", newString);
newString= strtok(NULL, " ,.-");

return 0;



Part B

Now you want to print the words and insert a newline when you reach the max columns 12 in your example.
You need to check the length of every extracted word, you can use strlen for that.
When the string is to long you insert a newline...

Hope it helped, if something is unclear leave a comment.

How to split a String by space

What you have should work. If, however, the spaces provided are defaulting to... something else? You can use the whitespace regex:

str = "Hello I'm your String";
String[] splited = str.split("\\s+");

This will cause any number of consecutive spaces to split your string into tokens.

How do I separate a space-delimited string into multiple variables?

It would be more convenient if you stored your values in a list:

pascalVals = raw_input('...').split()

And then access them like this:


If you want integers instead of strings, use:

pascalVals = [int(x) for x in raw_input('...').split()]

How to split one string into multiple strings separated by at least one space in bash shell?

Did you try just passing the string variable to a for loop? Bash, for one, will split on whitespace automatically.

sentence="This is   a sentence."
for word in $sentence
echo $word



Get words separated by space from string

use the php explode function

$pizza  = "piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 piece5 piece6";
$pieces = explode(" ", $pizza);
echo $pieces[0]; // piece1
echo $pieces[1]; // piece2

Python regex separate space-delimited words into a list

"hello world sample text".split()

will split on any whitespace. If you only want to split on spaces

"hello world sample text".split(" ")

regex version would be something like this

re.split(" +", "hello world sample text")

which works if you have multiple spaces between the words

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