Accurate Way to Measure Execution Times of PHP Scripts

Accurate way to measure execution times of php scripts

You can use the microtime function for this. From the documentation:

microtime — Return current Unix timestamp with microseconds

If get_as_float is set to TRUE, then microtime() returns a float, which represents the current time in seconds since the Unix epoch accurate to the nearest microsecond.

Example usage:

$start = microtime(true);
while (...) {

$time_elapsed_secs = microtime(true) - $start;

Scripts execution time

You can do the calculation in a function and register that function for execution on shutdown with register_shutdown_function.

$time_start = microtime(true);

register_shutdown_function(function() use ($time_start) {
$time_end= microtime(true);
$dif = $time_end-$time_start;
echo "Script ran for $dif seconds\n";

// do a lot of work and die() suddenly and somewhere

Tracking the script execution time in PHP

On unixoid systems (and in php 7+ on Windows as well), you can use getrusage, like:

// Script start
$rustart = getrusage();

// Code ...

// Script end
function rutime($ru, $rus, $index) {
return ($ru["ru_$index.tv_sec"]*1000 + intval($ru["ru_$index.tv_usec"]/1000))
- ($rus["ru_$index.tv_sec"]*1000 + intval($rus["ru_$index.tv_usec"]/1000));

$ru = getrusage();
echo "This process used " . rutime($ru, $rustart, "utime") .
" ms for its computations\n";
echo "It spent " . rutime($ru, $rustart, "stime") .
" ms in system calls\n";

Note that you don't need to calculate a difference if you are spawning a php instance for every test.

microtime(true) - Trouble measuring PHP script execution time

Calculations (with the parameter get_as_float as true) will give you results in seconds, according to PHP documentation.

By default, microtime() returns a string in the form "msec sec", where sec is the number of seconds since the Unix epoch (0:00:00 January 1,1970 GMT), and msec measures microseconds that have elapsed since sec and is also expressed in seconds.

If get_as_float is set to TRUE, then microtime() returns a float, which represents the current time in seconds since the Unix epoch accurate to the nearest microsecond.

For full text refer here

On top of that your OS is doing lots of things in between.

Is any way that some method work each 1 hour in php?

You can do this in two ways:

First one, is to create a simple script that does that, and executing it with a cron job. Plain and simple.

The other one is to create a long running script. The idea is that you create a loop, and inside that loop you call the timeout, and then execute your function. You can use reactphp/event-loop for implementing this very easily if you are using composer. Just check out the EventLoopInterface::addPeriodicTimer method.

Keep in mind that you have to keep that long running process alive with some tooling like systemd or supervisord.

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