PHP Convert String to Hex and Hex to String

Encoding/decoding string in hexadecimal and back

Use pack() and unpack():

function hex2str( $hex ) {
return pack('H*', $hex);

function str2hex( $str ) {
return array_shift( unpack('H*', $str) );

$txt = 'This is test';
$hex = str2hex( $txt );
$str = hex2str( $hex );

echo "{$txt} => {$hex} => {$str}\n";

would produce

This is test => 546869732069732074657374 => This is test

PHP - Converting Hex string to uint64 and to int64

Finally managed to solve the problem


seems hex2bin messed up the endianness so when we tried to do J it resolves correctly
Thank you for helping!

php string to hex with2's complement:

Solution you are looking for is as below,

It is referenced from one of the answer given at Create hex-representation of signed int in PHP.


function signed2hex($value, $reverseEndianness = true)
$packed = pack('i', $value);
for ($i=0; $i < 4; $i++){
$hex .= strtoupper( str_pad( dechex(ord($packed[$i])) , 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) );
$tmp = str_split($hex, 2);
$out = implode('', ($reverseEndianness ? array_reverse($tmp) : $tmp));
return $out;

echo signed2hex(193390663);

C# conversion Hex to String does not match PHP Hex to String

I think your c# algorithm Hex2Str looks good, though I might suggest the following small change to avoid any possible inconsistencies with surrogate pair encoding:

    public static string Hex2Str(string hexString)
var sb = new StringBuilder();

var len = hexString.Length / 2;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
// Convert the number expressed in base-16 to an integer.
int value = Convert.ToInt32(hexString.Substring(i * 2, 2), 16);
string stringValue = Char.ConvertFromUtf32(value);

return sb.ToString();

The real problem here, I suspect, is that the string from PHP is being mangled when passed through the console due to inconsistent encodings. For instance, if the PHP console has Latin 9 (ISO) encoding and your input console has OEM United States encoding (which it is on my computer) then 'à' will be transformed to 'α'.

Instead, I recommend taking the additional step of encoding your PHP string in Base64 using base64_encode before writing it to the console. This will guarantee a pure ASCII representation as it is passed through the console. Then decode as follows:

    public static string FromPHPBase64String(string phpString)
var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(phpString);
var sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var b in bytes)
string stringValue = char.ConvertFromUtf32(b);
return sb.ToString();

I believe everything should now match.

PHP convert string to \xnn hex

Should work

function strhex($string) {
$hexstr = unpack('H*', $string);
return array_shift($hexstr);


Code below what you need

function strtohex($string)
$string = str_split($string);
foreach($string as &$char)
$char = "\x".dechex(ord($char));
return implode('',$string);

print strtohex("[0-9A-Za-z\+/=]*");

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