Parse an Xml With Simplexml Which Has Multiple Namespaces

parse an XML with SimpleXML which has multiple namespaces

I think you need to register the namespacing and access with XPath. Something like the following should get you going (I haven't the facility to test this).

$xml = simplexml_load_string($res, NULL, NULL, "");
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('soap-env', '');
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('eb', '');
$xml->registerXPathNamespace('wsse', '');

Then you can do something like:

foreach($xml->xpath('//eb:MessageHeader') as $header)
var_export($header->xpath('//eb:CPAId')); // Should output 'something'.

You may not need to register the namespacing, thinking about it, as they are alredy present in the XML. Not sure on this though, would need to test.

Hope this helps.

Parsing XML with multiple namespaces

The poorly documented fact in play here is that when you select a namespace with ->children, it remains in effect for descendent nodes.

So when you ask for $sxe->children("soapenv", true)->Body->requestContactResponse, SimpleXML assumes you are still talking about the "soapenv" namespace, so is looking for the element <soapenv:requestContactResponse>, which doesn't exist.

To switch back to the default namespace, you need to call ->children again, with a NULL namespace:

$sx->children("soapenv", true)->Body->children(NULL)->requestContactResponse->requestContactReturn->id

Parse XML with multiple namespace to JSON - PHP

I think your getting the two namespaces mixed up, your trying to register the soapenv prefix with the URI used for ser. Not that this affects the code, but it may not give what your expecting.

As for not knowing the namespaces in advance, in SimpleXML you can use getDocNamespaces() to fetch the namespaces from the document and then loop through and register them against the prefixes. So the following code fetches the XML content of the Body...

$xml_str = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $xmlstr);
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_str,'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA);
$ns = $xml->getDocNamespaces(true);
foreach ( $ns as $prefix => $URI ) {
$xml->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $URI);
$j_obj = json_encode($xml->xpath('//soapenv:Body/*'));

Parsing XML with multiple namespaces in PHP

I just want to post with an answer to this awful question. Sorry.

Namespaces are irrelavent with DOM - I just wasn't getting the nodeValue from the Element.

$doc = new DOMDocument();
$feed = $doc->getElementsByTagName("entry");
foreach($feed as $entry) {
$id = $entry->getElementsByTagName("id")->item(0)->nodeValue;
echo $id;
$id = $entry->getElementsByTagName("othervalue")->item(0)->nodeValue;
echo $othervalue;

Parse XML namespaces with php SimpleXML

I have given same type of answer here - solution to your question

You just need to register Namespace and then you can work normally with simplexml_load_file and XPath

$data = "";
$entries = file_get_contents($data);
$entries = new SimpleXmlElement($entries);
//echo "<pre>";print_r($entries);die;
//alternate way other than registring NameSpace
//$asin = $asins->xpath("//*[local-name() = 'ASIN']");

$entries->registerXPathNamespace('prefix', '');
$result = $entries->xpath("//prefix:entry");
//echo count($asin);
//echo "<pre>";print_r($result);die;
foreach ($result as $entry):
//echo "<pre>";print_r($entry);die;
$dc = $entry->children('urn:oasis:names:tc:emergency:cap:1.1');
echo $dc->event."<br/>";
echo $dc->effective."<br/>";
echo "<hr>";

That's it.

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