How to Redirect Post Data

PHP Redirect with POST data

Generate a form on Page B with all the required data and action set to Page C and submit it with JavaScript on page load. Your data will be sent to Page C without much hassle to the user.

This is the only way to do it. A redirect is a 303 HTTP header that you can read up on, but I'll quote some of it:

The response to the request can be
found under a different URI and SHOULD
be retrieved using a GET method on
that resource. This method exists
primarily to allow the output of a
POST-activated script to redirect the
user agent to a selected resource. The
new URI is not a substitute reference
for the originally requested resource.
The 303 response MUST NOT be cached,
but the response to the second
(redirected) request might be

The only way to achieve what you're doing is with a intermediate page that sends the user to Page C. Here's a small/simple snippet on how you can achieve that:

<form id="myForm" action="Page_C.php" method="post">
foreach ($_POST as $a => $b) {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="'.htmlentities($a).'" value="'.htmlentities($b).'">';
<script type="text/javascript">

You should also have a simple "confirm" form inside a noscript tag to make sure users without Javascript will be able to use your service.

Send POST data on redirect with JavaScript/jQuery?

Construct and fill out a hidden method=POST action="" form and submit it, rather than using window.location at all.

PHP - Redirect and send data via POST

You can't do this using PHP.

As others have said, you could use cURL - but then the PHP code becomes the client rather than the browser.

If you must use POST, then the only way to do it would be to generate the populated form using PHP and use the window.onload hook to call javascript to submit the form.

Is it possible to redirect post data?

Try this:

# redirect mail posting to index
RewriteRule send-mail index.php?send-mail [NC,P]

"P" acts like "L" in that it stops processing rules but it also tells the module that the request should be passed off to the proxy module intact (meaning POST data is preserved).

jQuery - Redirect with post data

There is a JQuery plug-in that accomplishes pretty much what you're trying to do:

After including JQuery and the jquery.redirect.min.js plug-in, you can simply do something like this:

$().redirect('demo.php', {'arg1': 'value1', 'arg2': 'value2'});

Use the following code on newer JQuery versions instead:

$.redirect('demo.php', {'arg1': 'value1', 'arg2': 'value2'});

Hope this helps!

Is it possible to send POST data with a PHP redirect?

Long story short: no, it's not possibile using PHP.

One way I can think of doing this is to output the new form output as hidden fields along with javascript to auto-submit the form ...

It's the only way to do it.

The question is a possible duplicate of PHP Redirect with POST data.

As a suicide solution, you may consider to use HTTP 307 - Temporary Redirect.

From the HTTP/1.1 documentation linked above:

If the 307 status code is received in response to a request other than GET or HEAD, the user agent MUST NOT automatically redirect the request unless it can be confirmed by the user, since this might change the conditions under which the request was issued.

My bold simply emphasizes that the redirect without the user confirmation actually depends on the browser's implementation of the protocol.

The redirect can be implemented in the PHP script which receives the POST request as follows*:

header('HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect');
header('Location: <your page in an external site>');

Basic usage Example:

page1.html - the page which contains the form

<form method="POST" action="page2.php">
<input name="variable1" />
<input name="variable2" />
<input type="submit" />

page2.php - the page which processes your POST data before redirect


if (isset($_POST['variable1']) && isset($_POST['variable2'])) {

//do your processing stuff

header('HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect');
header('Location: page3.php');

} else
echo 'variable1 and variable2 are not set';

page3.php the page to which the POST data has to be redirected (i.e. the external site)


if (isset($_POST['variable1']) && isset($_POST['variable2'])) {

foreach ($_POST as $key=>$val)
echo $key . ' = ' . $val . '<br>';

} else
echo 'variable1 and variable2 are not set';

* don't try this at home!

POST data and redirect to a url JavaScript

you have to use 2 functions one for Building HTML and another for onclick
below is the code snippet. This should help you.

<input type="button" value="Click here to go back" onclick=postdata1("Heell0o","Heell");>

function loadForm(){

var form = document.createElement("form");
// = uniqueString; = "RespDataForm";
form.method = "POST";

var input = document.createElement("input");
input.type = "hidden"; = "RespDataInput";



function postdata1(uuid1,respData) {
var form1 = document.getElementsByName("RespDataForm")[0];
var input1 = document.getElementsByName("RespDataInput")[0];
input1.value = respData;
form1.action = ''+uuid1;
return false;

Post Redirect to URL with post data

Take a look at this answer from a similar question. I would recommend using Method 3 in that answer. By creating an asynchronous call, you could wait for a response back and either redirect on a successful response with Response.Redirect(), or notify the user of any errors.

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