Install Rabbitmqadmin on Linux

Install rabbitmqadmin on linux

RabbitMQ decided to omit one vital piece of information.

Make the script executable with chmod +x otherwise it will fail to work.

How to install rabbitmq management plugin (rabbitmq-plugins)

The rabbitmq-plugins script (and the whole concept of bundling plugins with the server release) was only introduced in RabbitMQ 2.7.0. If you want to keep using 2.5.0 then you should download the necessary plugin binaries from, drop them in /usr/lib/rabbitmq/lib/rabbitmq_server-2.5.0/plugins/ and restart.

(The necessary binaries for management are amqp_client, mochiweb, webmachine, rabbitmq_mochiweb, rabbitmq_management_agent and rabbitmq_management.)

If that sounds like a pain (well, this is why we changed it in 2.7.0!), you should consider upgrading to 2.7.1. You don't need to build from source - we make .deb packages available and have an apt repository - see

Simple way to install RabbitMQ in Ubuntu?

The simplest way is to remove any trace of Erlang or RabbitMQ on your system, then go to for an Ubuntu Erlang binary (the VM that runs RabbitMQ) and then go here to get RabbitMQ.

For Erlang, choose 64 bit or the unspecified one (32 bit) depending on your OS version. There is only one binary of RabbitMQ that is fully cross platform, i.e. no change between 32 bit and 64 bit.

Get those running and you have the latest and best of both packages which are both under very active development.

That is the simplest way when you take into account the future problems that you will avoid.

Personally I would also recommend keeping mission critical application packages outside of the usual Linux filesystem layout. Whether you choose to put them in /opt, or /home/erlang or /apps or /packages doesn't matter. The important thing is to take full control of these packages and don't let the OS package manager drive your decision making.

rabbitmqadmin in windows not working properly in windows

python.exe rabbitmqadmin --help is the correct command to get help.

python.exe rabbitmqadmin returns action not specified because you have not provided an action like list queues for it to perform. See the --help output as well as the output of python.exe rabbitmqadmin help subcommands.

Please see this gist with several example commands and their output.

NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

Can't access RabbitMQ web management interface after fresh install

It's new features since the version 3.3.0


25603 prevent access using the default guest/guest credentials except via

If you want enable the guest user read this or this RabbitMQ 3.3.1 can not login with guest/guest

# remove guest from loopback_users in rabbitmq.config like this
[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}].
# It is danger for default user and default password for remote access
# better to change password
rabbitmqctl change_password guest NEWPASSWORD

If you want create a new user with admin grants:

rabbitmqctl add_user test test
rabbitmqctl set_user_tags test administrator
rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / test ".*" ".*" ".*"

Now you can access using test test.

Cant install RabbitMQ on Fedora fc12

Both that Erlang version and RabbitMQ version are old and out of support. You should read the RabbitMQ team's instructions (link) on how to install on RPM-based distributions.

NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

RabbitMQ creating queues and bindings from command line

Install the RabbitMQ management plugin. It comes with a command line tool which you can use to configure all of your queues/exchanges/etc.

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