Remove All The Files of Zero Size in Specified Directory

Linux delete file with size 0

This will delete all the files in a directory (and below) that are size zero.

find /tmp -size 0 -print -delete

If you just want a particular file;

if [ ! -s /tmp/foo ] ; then
rm /tmp/foo

remove all the files of zero size in specified directory

find . -size 0c -delete removes all such files in the current folder.

Linux delete file with size 0

This will delete all the files in a directory (and below) that are size zero.

find /tmp -size 0 -print -delete

If you just want a particular file;

if [ ! -s /tmp/foo ] ; then
rm /tmp/foo

Delete zero sized files from a specified folder using batch file

If you know your current directory is the location of the batch file:

for %F in (logs\*) do if %~zF equ 0 del "%F"

If the current directory could be anywhere, then %~dp0 yields the path to the executing batch script:

for %F in ("%~dp0logs\*") do if %~zF equ 0 del "%F"

Here is the original answer when I thought OP wanted to deltete from the entire tree:

This will delete all 0 length files in the entire tree rooted at the current directory.

for /r %F in (*) do if %~zF equ 0 del "%F"

You can specify a different root by providing a root path after the /R option

for /r "c:\myRoot\" %F in (*) do if %~zF equ 0 del "%F"

How to delete many 0 byte files in linux?

Use find combined with xargs.

find . -name 'file*' -size 0 -print0 | xargs -0 rm

You avoid to start rm for every file.

How to remove all files that are empty in a directory?

The easiest way is to run find with -empty test and -delete action, e.g.:

find -type f -empty -delete

The command finds all files (-type f) in the current directory and its subdirectories, tests if the matched files are empty, and applies -delete action, if -empty returns true.

If you want to restrict the operation to specific levels of depth, use -mindepth and -maxdepth global options.

Script to delete file 0 size in folder but not in subfolder

for %F in ("\filepath\*.txt") do @if %~zF==0 del "%F"

The /r forces a scan of the tree.

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