Unix Pipe into Ls

Unix pipe into ls

To do that you need xargs:

which studio | xargs ls -l

From man xargs:

xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input

To fully understand how pipes work, you can read What is a simple explanation for how pipes work in BASH?:

A Unix pipe connects the STDOUT (standard output) file descriptor of
the first process to the STDIN (standard input) of the second. What
happens then is that when the first process writes to its STDOUT, that
output can be immediately read (from STDIN) by the second process.

Piping the contents of a file to ls

You are looking for the xargs (transpose arguments) command.

xargs ls < input.txt

You say you want /bin to be the "input" to ls, but that's not correct; ls doesn't do anything with its input. Instead, you want /bin to be passed as a command-line argument to ls, as if you had typed ls /bin.

Input and arguments are completely different things; feeding text to a command as input is not the same as supplying that text as an argument. The difference can be blurred by the fact that many commands, such as cat, will operate on either their input or their arguments (or both) – but even there, we find an important distinction: what they actually operate on is the content of files whose names are passed as arguments.

The xargs command was specifically designed to transform between those two things: it interprets its input as a whitespace-separated list of command-line arguments to pass to some other command. That other command is supplied to xargs as its command-line argument(s), in this case ls.

Thanks to the input redirection provided by the shell via <, the arguments xargs supplies to ls here come from the input.txt file.

There are other ways of accomplishing the same thing; for instance, as long as input.txt does not have so many files in it that they won't fit in a single command line, you can just do this:

ls $(< input.txt)

Both the above command and the xargs version will treat any spaces in the input.txt file as separating filenames, so if you have filenames containing space characters, you'll have to do more work to interpret the file properly. Also, note that if any of the filenames contain wildcard/"glob" characters like ? or * or [...], the $(<...) version will expand them as wildcard patterns, while xargs will not.

Pipe find command output to ls command

xargs takes input from stdin and passes it as arguments to some command.

find . -mtime -365 | xargs ls -lth --full-time
# or better with no dirs and handle spaces and quotes in filename
find . -type f -mtime -365 | xargs -d '\n' ls -lth --full-time
# or better - handle newlines in filenames
find . -mtime -365 -print0 | xargs -0 ls -lth --full-time

Pipe printf to ls in Bash?

Many programs don't read from stdin, not just ls. It is also possible that a program might not write to stdout either.

Here is a little experiment that might clarify things. Carry out these steps:

cat > file1
This is file1

The ^D is you pressing <CTRL>+D, which is the default end-of-file. So, first we are calling the cat program and redirecting its stdout to file1. If you don't supply an input filename then it reads from stdin, so we type "This is file1".

Now do similar:

cat > file2
This is file2

Now if you:

cat < file1

You get:

This is file1

what if you:

cat file1 | cat file2


cat file2 < file1

Why? Because if you supply an input filename then the cat program does not read stdin, just like ls.

Now, how about:

cat - file1 < file2

By convention the - means a standard stream, stdin when reading or stdout when writing.

Pipelining of cat and ls commands

In the first example you are passing the output of cat file to the input of ls -l. Since ls -l does not take any input, it does not do anything regarding the output of cat file. However in the second example you are using $(cat file) which puts the output of cat file in the place of an argument passed to ls -l, and this time ls -l has the text inside file in the right place for doing something with it. The issue here is noticing the difference between the standard input of a program and the arguments of a program. Standard input is what you have when you call scanf in C, for example; and the arguments are what you get in the argv pointer passed as parameter to the main procedure.

Unix - How do you pass / pipe the output of a sed command to a ls command in Unix

Don't parse ls to get the file size. To get the size of a file on disk, use stat -c '%s' filename, or to get the size of a stream of characters, use wc -c.

# size of employee.txt
stat -c '%s' employee.txt

# size without header and footer
sed '1d;$d' employee.txt | wc -c

UNIX Pipe System with Reading and Writing to Execute ls -la Command

Firstly let me tell you what I interpreted from the question:

The child will execute exec() and the output of ls -la should be printed by the parent using pipe.

According to this I fixed your code to give the output of ls -la

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

char *cmd1[] = { "ls", "-la", NULL };
//for exec each parameter should be a separate string

int main()

int fd[2], nbytes;

//char string[] = "ls -la"; //unused variable
char readbuffer[80]; // is a buffer size of 80 enough?


pid_t pid = fork();

if(pid == 0) { // child writes to pipe

// open the pipe, call exec here, write output from exec into pipe

dup2(fd[1],1); // stdout goes to fd[1]
close(fd[0]); // read not needed

execvp(cmd1[0],cmd1); //execute command in child

else { // parent reads from pipe

// read output from pipe, write to console

close(fd[1]); // write not needed

//read the output of the child to readbuffer using fd[0]
nbytes = read(fd[0], readbuffer, sizeof(readbuffer));

//std::cout << readbuffer << std::endl;
//write also outputs readbuffer
//output readbuffer to STDOUT
write(1, readbuffer, nbytes);


Can not pipe the output of echo command to ls

When you pipe something into another process, it will be pushed into its STDIN stream. As ls does not read from stdin, it just ignores that. What you want is that the parameters are passed to the command line of ls. This can be achieved by using something like this:

ls -l "$my_file"

Alternatively, you can use xargs which can be used to construct command line parameters from stdin input. In your case, you could use it like

echo "a" | xargs ls -l

It will execute an ls -l [filename] for each space-separated string of stdin input.

Bash ls and command pipe

You can't pipe stuff into ls.. You could do something like:

ls -ld $(cut -f 6 -d ':' /etc/passwd | sort -su)

By spawning a new bash to execute the cut | sort and passing it as a ls argument

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