Hadoop: «Error:Java_Home Is Not Set»

Error: JAVA_HOME is not set and could not be found after hadoop installation

Let's edit /etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh file and set JAVA_HOME for Hadoop. It is the path on which you didn't find hadoop-env.sh.

Open the file and find the line as bellow

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jdk-8-oracle-arm32-vfp-hflt/

If the line exists and is commented out, do uncomment. Otherwise, add the line into the file. Beware not


If the file is still not found, maybe path is different. Try to search it using,

find / -iname 'hadoop-env.sh'

Hadoop on Windows - Error JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set.

If your JAVA_HOME path contains spaces, you must use the Windows 8.3 Pathname

Hadoop: JAVA_HOME is not set

Thank you @Chris Shain and @Chris White for your hints. I was running hadoop as su, and su doesn't automatically know about the environmental variables I set. I logged in as my hadoop user (I had chown'd the hadoop install directory to this user), and was able to format the hdfs.

Secondary problem: When I tried to start Hadoop, NameNode and JobTracker started successfully but DataNode, SecondaryNameNode, and TaskTracker failed to start. I dug in a little bit. NameNode and JobTracker are started via hadoop-daemon.sh, but DataNode, SecondaryNameNode, and TaskTracker are started by hadoop-daemon*s*.sh. The resolution here was to properly set JAVA_HOME in conf/hadoop-env.sh.

run hadoop ERROR: JAVA_HOME /usr/bin/java does not exist

/usr/bin/java is not a java home. A java home must be a folder (not a program) with a bin directory which contains java, jps, maybe javac and so on. You must find your jre or jdk folder and set it as JAVA_HOME.

get ll /usr/bin/java and it may be a symbolic link to your Java path. or do find /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.x.x-openjdk to find your java home. The parent directory of Java program is your JAVA_HOME and must be set with export in hadoop-env.sh.

getting JAVA_HOME is incorrectly set with hadoop

Your JAVA_HOME should not include bin. Change it from

"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45\bin"


"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_45"

And you can add it to your path (in Windows) like

set "PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin"

JAVA_HOME is set incorrectly -- Hadoop on Windows 10

JAVA_HOME should be point to the root directory of a Java JDK and should be specified in the environment variables. After setting this value a restart of the terminal/application/console/IDE/command-prompt is required to make the new value active.

If you simple give: java --version it use the first java.exe version found on your PATH. JAVA_HOME and the PATH java version don't have any relation with each other.

JAVA_HOME can be specified for example to: "c:/java/jdk9" and your path includes "c:/java/jdk8/bin". In this situation java --version will give you 1.8.x.x.

JAVA_HOME is used by processes that forks to a new subproces and then used that JAVA_HOME value.

In your situation there is probably only a spacer missing in/after the call to hadoop-env.cmd ?? (not clear with the current info)

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