How to Find The Processor Queue Length in Linux

How is run queue length computed in linux proc filesystem

As gcla said you cat use

cat /proc/loadavg

to read loadavarage from from kernel - but strictly speaking, it is not a queue length.

Take a look at

grep procs_running /proc/stat


grep procs_blocked /proc/stat

First is an actual running queue and second is a number of process blocked on disk IO. Load average is a function from sum of both.

Solaris CPU run queue

The run-queue is always changing, so it's almost impossible to get the set of processes in the current run-queue.

That said, you can get an approximation by looking at the STAT (state) field of the process list from ps. When running the command below:

$ ps aux

...the if the STAT field begins with R, then the process is marked RUNNABLE by the kernel, which on most operating systems means that it is in the run-queue. Here's what a runnable process looks like on my machine:

root 78179 0.0 0.0 599828 480 s003 R+ 7:51AM 0:00.00 ps aux

On solaris, you can also use the prstat command and look at the STATE column. The value run indicates that the process is on the run-queue. (Also note that the value cpuN indicates that the process is currently running on processor N.

For example:

$ prstat -s cpu -n 5

13974 kincaid 888K 432K run 40 0 36:14.51 67% cpuhog/1
27354 kincaid 2216K 1928K run 31 0 314:48.51 27% server/5
14690 root 136M 46M sleep 59 0 0:00.59 2.3% Xsun/1
14797 kincaid 9192K 7496K sleep 59 0 0:00.10 0.9% dtwm/8
14851 kincaid 24M 14M sleep 48 0 0:00.03 0.3% netscape/1
Total: 97 processes, 190 lwps, load averages: 2.18, 2.15, 2.11

How to get total cpu usage in Linux using C++

cat /proc/stat

I agree with this answer above. The cpu line in this file gives the total number of "jiffies" your system has spent doing different types of processing.

What you need to do is take 2 readings of this file, seperated by whatever interval of time you require. The numbers are increasing values (subject to integer rollover) so to get the %cpu you need to calculate how many jiffies have elapsed over your interval, versus how many jiffies were spend doing work.

Suppose at 14:00:00 you have

cpu 4698 591 262 8953 916 449 531

total_jiffies_1 = (sum of all values) = 16400

work_jiffies_1 = (sum of user,nice,system = the first 3 values) = 5551

and at 14:00:05 you have

cpu 4739 591 289 9961 936 449 541

total_jiffies_2 = 17506

work_jiffies_2 = 5619

So the %cpu usage over this period is:

work_over_period = work_jiffies_2 - work_jiffies_1 = 68

total_over_period = total_jiffies_2 - total_jiffies_1 = 1106

%cpu = work_over_period / total_over_period * 100 = 6.1%

Hope that helps a bit.

How to find the socket buffer size of linux

If you want see your buffer size in terminal, you can take a look at:

  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem (for read)
  • /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem (for write)

They contain three numbers, which are minimum, default and maximum memory size values (in byte), respectively.

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