Run Matlab in Linux Without Graphical Environment

Run Matlab in Linux without graphical environment?

Start MatLab with the following flags

matlab -nodesktop -nojvm -nosplash
  • -nodesktop prevents the desktop

  • -nojvm prevents starting of the java virtual machine

  • -nosplash prevents the start-up splash screen.

Note, that, as Li-aung Yip noted in the comments, Mathworks does not recommend to use the -nojvm flag.

matlab execute script from linux command line

In order to run a script you can open Matlab (you can prevent run it without the GUI using -nodisplay and -nodesktop flags), then run the script using the run command, and finally close matlab using exit.

You can do all this from a terminal with a single instruction:

matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('path/to/your/script.m');exit;"

However Matlab outputs the welcome message to the console before running your script. To get rid of the welcome message just skip the first 11 lines (10 depending on your Matlab version) using tail -n +11

So your final instruction will be:

matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('path/to/your/script.m');exit;" | tail -n +11

How to launch MATLAB without a desktop in Windows

The -nodesktop option was introduced when MATLAB got its Java UI. The option starts MATLAB with the previous interface. I guess they have stopped officially supporting it, but they never removed the option.

MATLAB on Windows has never been quite as comfortable running in a terminal as the Linux and macOS versions—on those OSes, MATLAB does run in the terminal with the -nodesktop option, as they did before the Java UI was introduced.

If you want to run MATLAB non-interactively, use the -batch option. The -r is intended for interactive use, and therefore launches the desktop. The -batch option:

  • Starts without the desktop
  • Does not display the splash screen
  • Executes statement
  • Disables changes to preferences
  • Disables toolbox caching
  • Logs text to stdout and stderr
  • Does not display modal dialog boxes
  • Exits automatically with exit code 0 if statement executes successfully. Otherwise, MATLAB terminates with a non-zero exit code.

(from the docs).

In your case, instead of

matlab -wait -nodesktop -nosplash -r "pause(10); quit"

you should do

matlab -batch "pause(10)"

(I don't know if -wait is still needed on Windows, this is not clear in the documentation, and I don't have Windows to test this.)

Run MATLAB in command line allowing display of plots

Under Linux, to run MATLAB in a terminal window use the -nodesktop option. It causes MATLAB to start without the GUI, with all text input and output to happen through the terminal window. But it does not disable the JVM software altogether and so allows interactive figure windows to be displayed.

The -nojvm option disables the JVM software, disallowing all Java-based components of MATLAB, including figure windows. The -nodisplay option disables al graphical display output, but doesn't disable the JVM.

For more details, see the documentation.

MATLAB without display on a Linux server

My understanding of the message is that Matlab tries to start the Desktop, which is written in Java and uses Swing components, but this fails. I don't know though why it would try to start the Desktop since you've given the -nodisplay option.

Try to use the -nodesktop option additionally.

Run Selection in MATLAB from Linux Command Line

AFAIK there is a no-desktop mode in MATLAB, which you can access by running it with -nodesktop parameter, this should provide you with what you need. You can find more info on official MATLAB pages

run matlab script from command line or shell

Yes, you can call matlab from command prompt. In a windows machine it will look like this depending on your matlab installation path:

"C:\Path\to\matlab\matlab.exe" -r matfile.m

But it does open up Matlab gui. I do not know how to run it silently, but including


at the end of your routine will close it automatically.

Open a MATLAB GUI from terminal

If you don't have the MATLAB Compiler you cannot run your GUI without also running the MATLAB process. However, you can run your GUI without the MATLAB desktop showing, which I think is what you want. If your GUI main function is called myGUI you could run this command from a linux terminal:

matlab -nodesktop -r "myGUI"

MATLAB will still run in your terminal, so you might want to add a CloseRequestFcn that exits MATLAB. See

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