Failing to Connect to Remote Mongodb Server

Cannot connect to remote mongodb server

The problem was wrong setting of bindIP in mmongod.conf. Changing to:


fixed the problem. Replace ip_address_of_host_running_mondgod
with ip address of host running mongod like

Unable to connect to mongo on remote server

The issue was bindIp didn't change. There was some issue in restarting mongo from my side.

The habit should be to verify if the bindIp actually changed or not. (using sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 27017)

Failing to connect to remote mongodb server

Firstly, To ensure its not a firewall issue, stop IPTABLES on both servers (don't forget to re-enable afterwards).

On the machine that you are trying to connect to, ssh directly to it and ensure MongoDB is running, Connect locally and check that you can access a DB.

MongoDb isn't configured to accept connections from remote hosts by default, could you ensure you have these lines in your /etc/mongodb.conf file:

bind_ip =
port = 27017

Make sure you restart MongoDB after making any changes. Try this and comment if your still having issues and I'll update the answer with more suggestions.

EDIT: As of version 2.6 the config file format has changed to YAML, details here, the file should be located at /etc/mongod.conf.

port: 27017

Unable to connect to mongodb on remote server

It seems like MongoDB is not accessible over a network there might be several reasons. I have listed some:

  • MongoDB port 27017 is not open
  • Firewall is blocking the connection with another machine

You can also try adding the authentication information in your URI like this:,


you can split it over multiple properties

If you want to check whether there is a problem with the application or MongoDB you can spin up the free Mongo Atlas instance and try to connect that with your application if that works then there will be surely a connectivity issue with our machine

MongoDB, remote connection failing

It was due to network connectivity.

unable to connect remote mongo db server

Finally, i am able to connect to remote mongodb server,
the issue was with the port I was connecting,
I was connecting to a port which was open over UDP but when I make that port changed over TCP I connect very easily(means I talked to my networking team and asked them to make the port 27017 available over TCP).

so moral of the story you can not connect mongodb remote server over UDP port through public ip or through the internet.

connecting to remote mongo server results in exception connect failed

It's a connection problem at your side. I tried it but got a login failure message:

MongoDB shell version: 1.6.5

connecting to:

Mon Dec 24 01:12:31 uncaught exception: login failed

exception: login failed

MongoDB cannot connect from remote computer

Despite @Sridharan r.g's solution doesn't work, my resolution was inspired by his answer.

I was so close to the solution:

Change the "bindIp" value from "" in /etc/mongod.conf AND KEEP TWO SPACES BEFORE THE "bindIp", like this:

# network interfaces
port: 27017

Please note:

  • There must be exactly two spaces before "bindIp": neither too many
    nor too few.
  • In the default file format of MongoDB 3.6, it doesn't use
    "bind_ip = " but rather "bindIp:"
  • There MUST BE AT LEAST ONE SPACE between the colon after "bindIp"
    and the IP address (here it is
  • If you want to add more than one IP addresses, use comma to separate
    each values, and KEEP AT LEAST ONE SPACE between the comma and the
    next IP address.

The file format is a little bit tricky, check here the file format specification.

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