How to Use Epollhup

How do I use EPOLLHUP

You use EPOLLRDHUP to detect peer shutdown, not EPOLLHUP (which signals an unexpected close of the socket, i.e. usually an internal error).

Using it is really simple, just "or" the flag with any other flags that you are giving to epoll_ctl. So, for example instead of EPOLLIN write EPOLLIN|EPOLLRDHUP.

After epoll_wait, do an if( & EPOLLRDHUP) followed by whatever you want to do if the other side closed the connection (you'll probably want to close the socket).

Note that getting a "zero bytes read" result when reading from a socket also means that the other end has shut down the connection, so you should always check for that too, to avoid nasty surprises (the FIN might arrive after you have woken up from EPOLLIN but before you call read, if you are in ET mode, you'll not get another notification).

TCP: When is EPOLLHUP generated?

For these kind of questions, use the source! Among other interesting comments, there is this text:

EPOLLHUP is UNMASKABLE event (...). It means that after we received EOF, poll always returns immediately, making impossible poll() on write() in state CLOSE_WAIT. One solution is evident --- to set EPOLLHUP if and only if shutdown has been made in both directions.

And then the only code that sets EPOLLHUP:

if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK || state == TCP_CLOSE)
mask |= EPOLLHUP;


TL; DR; You are right, this flag is only sent when the shutdown has been both for read and write (I reckon that the peer shutdowning the write equals to my shutdowning the read). Or when the connection is closed, of course.

UPDATE: From reading the source code with more detail, these are my conclusions.

About shutdown:

  1. Doing shutdown(SHUT_WR) sends a FIN and marks the socket with SEND_SHUTDOWN.
  2. Doing shutdown(SHUT_RD) sends nothing and marks the socket with RCV_SHUTDOWN.
  3. Receiving a FIN marks the socket with RCV_SHUTDOWN.

And about epoll:

  1. If the socket is marked with SEND_SHUTDOWN and RCV_SHUTDOWN, poll will return EPOLLHUP.
  2. If the socket is marked with RCV_SHUTDOWN, poll will return EPOLLRDHUP.

So the HUP events can be read as:

  1. EPOLLRDHUP: you have received FIN or you have called shutdown(SHUT_RD). In any case your reading half-socket is hung, that is, you will read no more data.
  2. EPOLLHUP: you have both half-sockets hung. The reading half-socket is just like the previous point, For the sending half-socket you did something like shutdown(SHUT_WR).

To complete a a graceful shutdown I would do:

  1. Do shutdown(SHUT_WR) to send a FIN and mark the end of sending data.
  2. Wait for the peer to do the same by polling until you get a EPOLLRDHUP.
  3. Now you can close the socket with grace.

PS: About your comment:

it's counterintuitive to get writable, as the writing half is closed

It is actually expected if you understand the output of epoll not as ready but as will not block. That is, if you get EPOLLOUT you have the guarantee that calling write() will not block. And certainly, after shutdown(SHUT_WR), write() will return immediately.

Why am I getting the EPOLLHUP event on a brand new socket

As my example in the comments shows, it seems you can't poll the socket before it's properly initialized, unless you want to handle EPOLLHUP.

As for the question, no, you won't miss any events. Calling listen() then epoll() is the same you'd have to do otherwise (listen() + blocking accept()); actual incoming connections between those calls are handled by the kernel and stay waiting until your code handles them.

Can EPOLLHUP trigger an event for a descriptor, disabled by EPOLLONESHOT?

Seems like disabled descriptors don't receive EPOLLHUP.

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