Linux Memory Reporting Discrepancy

Linux memory reporting discrepancy

Check the usage of the Slab cache (Slab:, SReclaimable: and SUnreclaim: in /proc/meminfo). This is a cache of in-kernel data structures, and is separate from the page cache reported by free.

If the slab cache is resposible for a large portion of your "missing memory", check /proc/slabinfo to see where it's gone. If it's dentries or inodes, you can use sync ; echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches to get rid of them.

You can also use the slabtop tool to show the current usage of the Slab cache in a friendly format. c will sort the list by current cache size.

Why there is big difference in memory usage between ps and free?

As noted at How to measure actual memory usage of an application or process?:

Why ps is "wrong"

Depending on how you look at it, ps is not reporting the real memory usage of processes. What it is really doing is showing how much
real memory each process would take up if it were the only process
running. Of course, a typical Linux machine has several dozen
processes running at any given time, which means that the VSZ and RSS
numbers reported by ps are almost definitely "wrong".

So your ps command will tend to OVERCOUNT the memory used by processes, as it double-counts memory that is shared.

On the other hand, I can see you are looking at the correct line of the free output which discards the memory used for buffers/cache. You need to look in /proc/meminfo to see what is using up most of the discrepancy in RAM, as discussed at

Slab cache is separate from the buffers/cache reported by free, so assuming it is responsible for most of the discrepancy you can see what it is used for in /proc/slabinfo. If it's dentries (dentry_cache line) or inodes (there are many *inode_cache lines), you can use the following to free up the RAM:

sync; echo 2 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches 

to get rid of them.

Discrepancy in POD memory utilization and RSS from Node's ps

The ps does not reflect the actual amount of memory used by the application but only the memory reserved for it. It can be very misleading if pages are shared by several processes or by using some dynamically linked libraries.

Understanding memory usage on Linux is a very good article describing how memory usage in Linux works and what ps is actually reporting.

Why ps is "wrong"

Depending on how you look at it, ps is not reporting the real memory usage of processes. What it is really doing is showing how much real memory each process would take up if it were the only process running. Of course, a typical Linux machine has several dozen processes running at any given time, which means that the VSZ and RSS numbers reported by ps are almost definitely wrong.

That is why ps should not be used for some detailed data for memory consumption.

Alternative to ps would be smem.
It reports physical memory usage, taking shared memory pages into account. Then unshared memory is reported at the USS (Unique Set Size). So you can use USS when you want to ignore shared memory.

The unshared memory (USS) plus process's proportion of shared memory is reported at the PSS (Proportionial Set Size). Basically it add USS along with a proportion of its shared memory divided by the number of processes sharing that memory.

On the other hand RSS(Resident Set Size) is the amount of shared memory plus unshared memory used by each process. If any processes share memory, this will short report that over the amount of memory that is actually used.

Linux uses a resource management technique used in programming to efficiently implement a duplicate or copy operation. This is called copy-on-write. So when you have parent and child process, they both will show the same RSS. With copy-on-write linux ensures that both processes are really using the same memory.

How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process?

With ps or similar tools you will only get the amount of memory pages allocated by that process. This number is correct, but:

  • does not reflect the actual amount of memory used by the application, only the amount of memory reserved for it

  • can be misleading if pages are shared, for example by several threads or by using dynamically linked libraries

If you really want to know what amount of memory your application actually uses, you need to run it within a profiler. For example, Valgrind can give you insights about the amount of memory used, and, more importantly, about possible memory leaks in your program. The heap profiler tool of Valgrind is called 'massif':

Massif is a heap profiler. It performs detailed heap profiling by taking regular snapshots of a program's heap. It produces a graph showing heap usage over time, including information about which parts of the program are responsible for the most memory allocations. The graph is supplemented by a text or HTML file that includes more information for determining where the most memory is being allocated. Massif runs programs about 20x slower than normal.

As explained in the Valgrind documentation, you need to run the program through Valgrind:

valgrind --tool=massif <executable> <arguments>

Massif writes a dump of memory usage snapshots (e.g. massif.out.12345). These provide, (1) a timeline of memory usage, (2) for each snapshot, a record of where in your program memory was allocated. A great graphical tool for analyzing these files is massif-visualizer. But I found ms_print, a simple text-based tool shipped with Valgrind, to be of great help already.

To find memory leaks, use the (default) memcheck tool of valgrind.

How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process?

With ps or similar tools you will only get the amount of memory pages allocated by that process. This number is correct, but:

  • does not reflect the actual amount of memory used by the application, only the amount of memory reserved for it

  • can be misleading if pages are shared, for example by several threads or by using dynamically linked libraries

If you really want to know what amount of memory your application actually uses, you need to run it within a profiler. For example, Valgrind can give you insights about the amount of memory used, and, more importantly, about possible memory leaks in your program. The heap profiler tool of Valgrind is called 'massif':

Massif is a heap profiler. It performs detailed heap profiling by taking regular snapshots of a program's heap. It produces a graph showing heap usage over time, including information about which parts of the program are responsible for the most memory allocations. The graph is supplemented by a text or HTML file that includes more information for determining where the most memory is being allocated. Massif runs programs about 20x slower than normal.

As explained in the Valgrind documentation, you need to run the program through Valgrind:

valgrind --tool=massif <executable> <arguments>

Massif writes a dump of memory usage snapshots (e.g. massif.out.12345). These provide, (1) a timeline of memory usage, (2) for each snapshot, a record of where in your program memory was allocated. A great graphical tool for analyzing these files is massif-visualizer. But I found ms_print, a simple text-based tool shipped with Valgrind, to be of great help already.

To find memory leaks, use the (default) memcheck tool of valgrind.

How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process?

With ps or similar tools you will only get the amount of memory pages allocated by that process. This number is correct, but:

  • does not reflect the actual amount of memory used by the application, only the amount of memory reserved for it

  • can be misleading if pages are shared, for example by several threads or by using dynamically linked libraries

If you really want to know what amount of memory your application actually uses, you need to run it within a profiler. For example, Valgrind can give you insights about the amount of memory used, and, more importantly, about possible memory leaks in your program. The heap profiler tool of Valgrind is called 'massif':

Massif is a heap profiler. It performs detailed heap profiling by taking regular snapshots of a program's heap. It produces a graph showing heap usage over time, including information about which parts of the program are responsible for the most memory allocations. The graph is supplemented by a text or HTML file that includes more information for determining where the most memory is being allocated. Massif runs programs about 20x slower than normal.

As explained in the Valgrind documentation, you need to run the program through Valgrind:

valgrind --tool=massif <executable> <arguments>

Massif writes a dump of memory usage snapshots (e.g. massif.out.12345). These provide, (1) a timeline of memory usage, (2) for each snapshot, a record of where in your program memory was allocated. A great graphical tool for analyzing these files is massif-visualizer. But I found ms_print, a simple text-based tool shipped with Valgrind, to be of great help already.

To find memory leaks, use the (default) memcheck tool of valgrind.

kubectl top nodes reporting more memory utilisation than Linux system commands

Found answer to my question here: In summary, it seems that Kubernetes uses the cgroup memory utilisation, which is reported in /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/memory.usage_in_bytes. The cgroup memory utilisation calculates not only the currently used memory in RAM, but also the "cached" memory (i.e. any memory no longer required by apps that are subsequently free to be reclaimed by the OS, but hasn't been reclaimed yet). The Linux system commands see "cached" memory as "free" but Kubernetes does not (not sure why).

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