Bash: Run an Executable File in Background

Bash: run an executable file in background

Any executable in linux can be run in the background as follows:

 $ ./yourExecutable.exe&

Add the & character at end. (Assuming yourExecutable.exe is in the current working directory)

How to kill it later on?

$ ps -ax | grep yourExecutable.exe

You will get an output like:

9384  pts/7    S+     0:00 grep yourExecutable.exe
25082 pts/7 T 0:00 yourExecutable.exe&

Kill the second process using SIGKILL. That is the one you executed in the background.

$ kill -9 25082

Bash script to run linux executables in background

The man page for disown says you can use nohup for the same purpose.
I would recommend that because it is more specific about which command is affected. You can make a cd command affect only some commands by grouping them under a "subshell". Putting all of that together yields:

echo "Starting ServiceA. Currect dir is : $PWD"
(cd AppAFolder && chmod +x App-A && nohup ./App-A &>/dev/null &)

echo "Starting ServiceB. Currect dir is : $PWD"
(cd AppBFolder && chmod +x App-B && nohup ./App-B &>/dev/null &)

run an executable file in the background and prevent it from opening windows using python

Python can't prevent a child process from opening windows. That also means it can't turn something with a UI into a daemon / background process.

You will have to look into the documentation of the application mousecounter to see whether it supports command line options to hide / disable the window.

Running exe file in background in windows 10

You can make easily a service out of it using the Non-Sucking Service Manager

It can be used as commonad-line tool and it has a graphical user interface.

In the System services you can start/stop the service and make it run mode Automatic

How to loop run an executable multiple time without waiting for it to finish

Bash executes foreground processes in a synchronous way. To do it as you want, you have to launch the process in the background using &, as pointed out in the comments. You can make a function that implements the desired behavior for a file and then call it inside the loop.

The only problem with a separate asynchronous function, is that the counter variable will not necessarily match your actual numbered filenames, so if you want them to keep the original number, you must extract it explicitly from the original name, or use an explicit variable. I will use the second approach in the following snippet:


# Function to encapsulate your processing
# First arg: input file
# Second arg: counter
cd /some/dir/for/out/files/outputs/
mkdir file$2
cd file$2
/dir/where/executable/located/./run $1

for i in {0..65..1} # Iterate through the numbers, not the files, so we can use $i as a counter
process_file $input_file $i & # Ampersand to launch in the background

This is actually overkill for this case, as I'm pretty sure having you very same script, but with & appended to your run command, would do it. However, this approach is scalable in case you want to add more sequential processing for each single file and still have it in parallel for all files.

Run exe in background

Your syntax for Start-Process is wrong, you don't need to reference powershell, just launch your program with the WindowStyle param set

Start-Process "C:\Program Files\\prometheus.exe" -WindowStyle Hidden

The WorkingDirectory param can also be used to start the program in a specific directory

Start-Process "C:\Program Files\\prometheus.exe" -WorkingDirectory "C:\Program Files\" -WindowStyle Hidden

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