Manage Source Under Git and Svn Simultanously - Does It Make Sense

Manage source under git and svn simultanously - does it make sense?

I've done this regularly, and it works great.

The only major thing I needed to do was add the .git folder to the subversion ignore list, and the .svn/ folders to the .gitignore file.

git svn - Can I use git and svn at the same time? no need interaction between git and svn

You can clone a subversion repository to your machine using git svn clone <SVN repo URL>. The code will be available as a git repository. You can do your work there and make local commits as you please. There is a command line option to get a "shallow" checkout rather than the entire repository which is often useful. I forget what it is.

Anytime, you want to run the equivalent of svn update, do a git svn rebase. This will fetch new commits which were checked into SVN after you last synchronised and then rebase your changes onto the new tip.

When you're ready with your commits, do a git svn dcommit. This will send all your new commits to svn one by one. You can also squash your local commits into a single one and send it by first doing a local rebase and then an svn dcommit. This should be done on the initial branch (usually master).

The very fact that you're checking out from subversion and then working locally in git means that there is "interaction" between them so your last statement is not valid.

How and/or why is merging in Git better than in SVN?

The claim of why merging is better in a DVCS than in Subversion was largely based on how branching and merge worked in Subversion a while ago. Subversion prior to 1.5.0 didn't store any information about when branches were merged, thus when you wanted to merge you had to specify which range of revisions that had to be merged.

So why did Subversion merges suck?

Ponder this example:

      1   2   4     6     8
trunk o-->o-->o---->o---->o
\ 3 5 7
b1 +->o---->o---->o

When we want to merge b1's changes into the trunk we'd issue the following command, while standing on a folder that has trunk checked out:

svn merge -r 2:7 {link to branch b1}

… which will attempt to merge the changes from b1 into your local working directory. And then you commit the changes after you resolve any conflicts and tested the result. When you commit the revision tree would look like this:

      1   2   4     6     8   9
trunk o-->o-->o---->o---->o-->o "the merge commit is at r9"
\ 3 5 7
b1 +->o---->o---->o

However this way of specifying ranges of revisions gets quickly out of hand when the version tree grows as subversion didn't have any meta data on when and what revisions got merged together. Ponder on what happens later:

           12        14
trunk …-->o-------->o
"Okay, so when did we merge last time?"
13 15
b1 …----->o-------->o

This is largely an issue by the repository design that Subversion has, in order to create a branch you need to create a new virtual directory in the repository which will house a copy of the trunk but it doesn't store any information regarding when and what things got merged back in. That will lead to nasty merge conflicts at times. What was even worse is that Subversion used two-way merging by default, which has some crippling limitations in automatic merging when two branch heads are not compared with their common ancestor.

To mitigate this Subversion now stores meta data for branch and merge. That would solve all problems right?

And oh, by the way, Subversion still sucks…

On a centralized system, like subversion, virtual directories suck. Why? Because everyone has access to view them… even the garbage experimental ones. Branching is good if you want to experiment but you don't want to see everyones' and their aunts experimentation. This is serious cognitive noise. The more branches you add, the more crap you'll get to see.

The more public branches you have in a repository the harder it will be to keep track of all the different branches. So the question you'll have is if the branch is still in development or if it is really dead which is hard to tell in any centralized version control system.

Most of the time, from what I've seen, an organization will default to use one big branch anyway. Which is a shame because that in turn will be difficult to keep track of testing and release versions, and whatever else good comes from branching.

So why are DVCS, such as Git, Mercurial and Bazaar, better than Subversion at branching and merging?

There is a very simple reason why: branching is a first-class concept. There are no virtual directories by design and branches are hard objects in DVCS which it needs to be such in order to work simply with synchronization of repositories (i.e. push and pull).

The first thing you do when you work with a DVCS is to clone repositories (git's clone, hg's clone and bzr's branch). Cloning is conceptually the same thing as creating a branch in version control. Some call this forking or branching (although the latter is often also used to refer to co-located branches), but it's just the same thing. Every user runs their own repository which means you have a per-user branching going on.

The version structure is not a tree, but rather a graph instead. More specifically a directed acyclic graph (DAG, meaning a graph that doesn't have any cycles). You really don't need to dwell into the specifics of a DAG other than each commit has one or more parent references (which what the commit was based on). So the following graphs will show the arrows between revisions in reverse because of this.

A very simple example of merging would be this; imagine a central repository called origin and a user, Alice, cloning the repository to her machine.

         a…   b…   c…
origin o<---o<---o
| clone

a… b… c…
alice o<---o<---o

What happens during a clone is that every revision is copied to Alice exactly as they were (which is validated by the uniquely identifiable hash-id's), and marks where the origin's branches are at.

Alice then works on her repo, committing in her own repository and decides to push her changes:

         a…   b…   c…
origin o<---o<---o
^ master

"what'll happen after a push?"

a… b… c… d… e…
alice o<---o<---o<---o<---o

The solution is rather simple, the only thing that the origin repository needs to do is to take in all the new revisions and move it's branch to the newest revision (which git calls "fast-forward"):

         a…   b…   c…   d…   e…
origin o<---o<---o<---o<---o
^ master

a… b… c… d… e…
alice o<---o<---o<---o<---o

The use case, which I illustrated above, doesn't even need to merge anything. So the issue really isn't with merging algorithms since three-way merge algorithm is pretty much the same between all version control systems. The issue is more about structure than anything.

So how about you show me an example that has a real merge?

Admittedly the above example is a very simple use case, so lets do a much more twisted one albeit a more common one. Remember that origin started out with three revisions? Well, the guy who did them, lets call him Bob, has been working on his own and made a commit on his own repository:

         a…   b…   c…   f…
bob o<---o<---o<---o
^ master
^ origin/master

"can Bob push his changes?"

a… b… c… d… e…
origin o<---o<---o<---o<---o
^ master

Now Bob can't push his changes directly to the origin repository. How the system detects this is by checking if Bob's revisions directly descents from origin's, which in this case doesn't. Any attempt to push will result into the system saying something akin to "Uh... I'm afraid can't let you do that Bob."

So Bob has to pull-in and then merge the changes (with git's pull; or hg's pull and merge; or bzr's merge). This is a two-step process. First Bob has to fetch the new revisions, which will copy them as they are from the origin repository. We can now see that the graph diverges:

                        v master
a… b… c… f…
bob o<---o<---o<---o
| d… e…
^ origin/master

a… b… c… d… e…
origin o<---o<---o<---o<---o
^ master

The second step of the pull process is to merge the diverging tips and make a commit of the result:

                                 v master
a… b… c… f… 1…
bob o<---o<---o<---o<-------o
^ |
| d… e… |
^ origin/master

Hopefully the merge won't run into conflicts (if you anticipate them you can do the two steps manually in git with fetch and merge). What later needs to be done is to push in those changes again to origin, which will result into a fast-forward merge since the merge commit is a direct descendant of the latest in the origin repository:

                                 v origin/master
v master
a… b… c… f… 1…
bob o<---o<---o<---o<-------o
^ |
| d… e… |

v master
a… b… c… f… 1…
origin o<---o<---o<---o<-------o
^ |
| d… e… |

There is another option to merge in git and hg, called rebase, which'll move Bob's changes to after the newest changes. Since I don't want this answer to be any more verbose I'll let you read the git, mercurial or bazaar docs about that instead.

As an exercise for the reader, try drawing out how it'll work out with another user involved. It is similarly done as the example above with Bob. Merging between repositories is easier than what you'd think because all the revisions/commits are uniquely identifiable.

There is also the issue of sending patches between each developer, that was a huge problem in Subversion which is mitigated in git, hg and bzr by uniquely identifiable revisions. Once someone has merged his changes (i.e. made a merge commit) and sends it for everyone else in the team to consume by either pushing to a central repository or sending patches then they don't have to worry about the merge, because it already happened. Martin Fowler calls this way of working promiscuous integration.

Because the structure is different from Subversion, by instead employing a DAG, it enables branching and merging to be done in an easier manner not only for the system but for the user as well.

Should I store all projects in one repository or multiple?

Depends to an extent what you mean by "project".

I have a general local repository containing random bits of stuff that I write (including my website, since it's small). A single-user local SVN repository is not going to suffer noticeable performance issues until you've spent a lot of years typing. By which time SVN will be faster anyway. So I've yet to regret having thrown everything in one repository, even though some of the stuff in there is completely unrelated other than that I wrote it all.

If a "project" means "an assignment from class", or "the scripts I use to drive my TiVo", or "my progress in learning a new language", then creating a repos per project seems a bit unnecessary to me. Then again, it doesn't cost anything either. So I guess I'd say don't change what you're doing. Unless you really want the experience of re-organising repositories, in which case do change what you're doing :-)

However, if by "project" you mean a 'real' software project, with public access to the repository, then I think separate repos per project is what makes sense: partly because it divides things cleanly and each project scales independently, but also because it's what people will expect to see.

Sharing code between separate repositories is less of an issue than you might think, since svn has the rather lovely "svn:externals" feature. This lets you point a directory of your repository at a directory in another repository, and check that stuff out automatically along with your stuff. See, as always, the SVN book for details.

Why is Git better than Subversion?

Git is not better than Subversion. But is also not worse. It's different.

The key difference is that it is decentralized. Imagine you are a developer on the road, you develop on your laptop and you want to have source control so that you can go back 3 hours.

With Subversion, you have a Problem: The SVN Repository may be in a location you can't reach (in your company, and you don't have internet at the moment), you cannot commit. If you want to make a copy of your code, you have to literally copy/paste it.

With Git, you do not have this problem. Your local copy is a repository, and you can commit to it and get all benefits of source control. When you regain connectivity to the main repository, you can commit against it.

This looks good at first, but just keep in mind the added complexity to this approach.

Git seems to be the "new, shiny, cool" thing. It's by no means bad (there is a reason Linus wrote it for the Linux Kernel development after all), but I feel that many people jump on the "Distributed Source Control" train just because it's new and is written by Linus Torvalds, without actually knowing why/if it's better.

Subversion has Problems, but so does Git, Mercurial, CVS, TFS or whatever.

Edit: So this answer is now a year old and still generates many upvotes, so I thought I'll add some more explanations. In the last year since writing this, Git has gained a lot of momentum and support, particularly since sites like GitHub really took off. I'm using both Git and Subversion nowadays and I'd like to share some personal insight.

First of all, Git can be really confusing at first when working decentralized. What is a remote? and How to properly set up the initial repository? are two questions that come up at the beginning, especially compared to SVN's simple "svnadmin create", Git's "git init" can take the parameters --bare and --shared which seems to be the "proper" way to set up a centralized repository. There are reasons for this, but it adds complexity. The documentation of the "checkout" command is very confusing to people changing over - the "proper" way seems to be "git clone", while "git checkout" seems to switch branches.

Git REALLY shines when you are decentralized. I have a server at home and a Laptop on the road, and SVN simply doesn't work well here. With SVN, I can't have local source control if I'm not connected to the repository (Yes, I know about SVK or about ways to copy the repo). With Git, that's the default mode anyway. It's an extra command though (git commit commits locally, whereas git push origin master pushes the master branch to the remote named "origin").

As said above: Git adds complexity. Two modes of creating repositories, checkout vs. clone, commit vs. push... You have to know which commands work locally and which work with "the server" (I'm assuming most people still like a central "master-repository").

Also, the tooling is still insufficient, at least on Windows. Yes, there is a Visual Studio AddIn, but I still use git bash with msysgit.

SVN has the advantage that it's MUCH simpler to learn: There is your repository, all changes to towards it, if you know how to create, commit and checkout and you're ready to go and can pickup stuff like branching, update etc. later on.

Git has the advantage that it's MUCH better suited if some developers are not always connected to the master repository. Also, it's much faster than SVN. And from what I hear, branching and merging support is a lot better (which is to be expected, as these are the core reasons it was written).

This also explains why it gains so much buzz on the Internet, as Git is perfectly suited for Open Source projects: Just Fork it, commit your changes to your own Fork, and then ask the original project maintainer to pull your changes. With Git, this just works. Really, try it on Github, it's magic.

What I also see are Git-SVN Bridges: The central repository is a Subversion repo, but developers locally work with Git and the bridge then pushes their changes to SVN.

But even with this lengthy addition, I still stand by my core message: Git is not better or worse, it's just different. If you have the need for "Offline Source Control" and the willingness to spend some extra time learning it, it's fantastic. But if you have a strictly centralized Source Control and/or are struggling to introduce Source Control in the first place because your co-workers are not interested, then the simplicity and excellent tooling (at least on Windows) of SVN shine.

How to best manage public and private sets of source code?

I would recommend using Git instead of SVN. With Git you can merge between separate repositories and branches easily. You can find a great guide here. For example, if you were to host your code on you could create a private repository for your own code and a public one for the open source project. You could then merge between the two repositories locally without having to create patches and apply them to each branch. Git is fast, so creating and destroying branches is easy and has little overhead. It is created with this workflow in mind and there is a great community available to answer your questions should you get stuck.

What are pros and cons of using git-svn?


  • Everything that Git is good for:

    • Network-free access to all old commits
    • Commit and rebase in Git (again, network-free) and then git svn dcommit to push all the changes to SVN for a nice clean commit
    • Cheap local branching (not sure why you say this doesn't work so well)
  • Don't have to deal with SVN so much :)


  • Much better workflow if you already know both Git and SVN (i.e., not so good for new source control users)
  • Will confuse anyone else if they look at what you're doing
  • Some features of SVN (such as svn:keywords) not available/convenient

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