Shell Script to Kill the Process Listening on Port 3000

shell script to kill the process listening on port 3000?

alias kill3000="fuser -k -n tcp 3000"

How to kill a process running on particular port in Linux?

Use the command

 sudo netstat -plten |grep java

used grep java as tomcat uses java as their processes.

It will show the list of processes with port number and process id

tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      
1000 30070621 16085/java

the number before /java is a process id. Now use kill command to kill the process

kill -9 16085

-9 implies the process will be killed forcefully.

How do I kill the process currently using a port on localhost in Windows?

Step 1:

Open up cmd.exe (note: you may need to run it as an administrator, but this isn't always necessary), then run the below command:

netstat -ano | findstr :<PORT>

(Replace <PORT> with the port number you want, but keep the colon)

Sample Image

The area circled in red shows the PID (process identifier). Locate the PID of the process that's using the port you want.

Step 2:

Next, run the following command:

taskkill /PID <PID> /F

(No colon this time)

Sample Image

Lastly, you can check whether the operation succeeded or not by re-running the command in "Step 1". If it was successful you shouldn't see any more search results for that port number.

Windows Kill Process By PORT Number

Solution 1: Kill Process

Run command-line as an Administrator

netstat -ano | findstr :<yourPortNumber>
taskkill /PID <typeyourPIDhere> /F

Solution 2: Change Port

Please Make sure that new port you are going to set for your Application doesn't listen to any other process

Change the port 
server.port=8088 # Server HTTP port.

Solution 3:
Another way is to terminate the process (in IDE) and clean and rebuild project.

Sample Image

Sample Image


For solution 2, Please Make sure that new port you are going to set for your Application doesn't listen to any other process.

How to check Port Status?

Option 1

Run resmon.exe and go to Network -> Listening Port (Also can be viewed on TaskManager)
Sample Image

Option 2


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort portNumber).OwningProcess


 C:\> netstat -a -b

(Add -n to stop it trying to resolve hostnames, which will make it a lot faster.)

-a Displays all connections and listening ports.

-b Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port. In some cases, well-known executables host multiple independent components, and in these cases, the sequence of components involved in creating the connection or listening port is displayed. In this case, the executable name is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called, and so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option can be time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient permissions.

-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

Kill a Process by Looking up the Port being used by it from a .BAT

Here's a command to get you started:

FOR /F "tokens=4 delims= " %%P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8080') DO @ECHO TaskKill.exe /PID %%P

When you're confident in your batch file, remove @ECHO.

FOR /F "tokens=4 delims= " %%P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8080') DO TaskKill.exe /PID %%P

Note that you might need to change this slightly for different OS's. For example, on Windows 7 you might need tokens=5 instead of tokens=4.

How this works

FOR /F ... %variable IN ('command') DO otherCommand %variable...

This lets you execute command, and loop over its output. Each line will be stuffed into %variable, and can be expanded out in otherCommand as many times as you like, wherever you like. %variable in actual use can only have a single-letter name, e.g. %V.

"tokens=4 delims= "

This lets you split up each line by whitespace, and take the 4th chunk in that line, and stuffs it into %variable (in our case, %%P). delims looks empty, but that extra space is actually significant.

netstat -a -n -o

Just run it and find out. According to the command line help, it "Displays all connections and listening ports.", "Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.", and "Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.". I just used these options since someone else suggested it, and it happened to work :)


This takes the output of the first command or program (netstat) and passes it onto a second command program (findstr). If you were using this directly on the command line, instead of inside a command string, you would use | instead of ^|.

findstr :8080

This filters any output that is passed into it, returning only lines that contain :8080.

TaskKill.exe /PID <value>

This kills a running task, using the process ID.

%%P instead of %P

This is required in batch files. If you did this on the command prompt, you would use %P instead.

Finding the PID listening to a port

Try this:

pid=$(sudo lsof -i :3001 -t)
kill $pid

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