Does Kernel's Panic() Function Completely Freezes Every Other Process

Where does the linux kernel panic message go?

It goes to the kernel console, the same place where printk() message goes. There is a screenshot in Wikipedia article on kernel panic:

Sample Image

Usually, you will be able to see it if the kernel panic happens at boot time.

As for what happens if you have a running desktop system, unfortunately I don't remember. Either you won't see it, or X/Wayland server will crash and you will see the message it in the console.

Golang panic crash prevention

You should only recover from a panic if you know exactly why. A Go program will panic under essentially two circumstances:

  • A program logic error (such as a nil pointer dereference or out-of-bounds array or slice access)
  • An intentional panic (called using panic(...)) from either your code or code that your code calls

In the first case, a crash is appropriate because it means that your program has entered a bad state and shouldn't keep executing. In the second case, you should only recover from the panic if you expect it. The best way to explain this is simply to say that it's extremely rare, and you'll know that case if you see it. I'm almost positive that whatever code you're writing, you don't need to recover from panics.

When to use os.Exit() and panic()?

First of all, whenever you have a "how it is used in practice" question, a good way to start is to search the Go source code (or any big enough Go code base, really), and the package docs for answers.

Now, os.Exit and panic are quite different. panic is used when the program, or its part, has reached an unrecoverable state.

When panic is called, including implicitly for run-time errors such as indexing a slice out of bounds or failing a type assertion, it immediately stops execution of the current function and begins unwinding the stack of the goroutine, running any deferred functions along the way. If that unwinding reaches the top of the goroutine's stack, the program dies.

os.Exit is used when you need to abort the program immediately, with no possibility of recovery or running a deferred clean-up statement, and also return an error code (that other programs can use to report what happened). This is useful in tests, when you already know that after this one test fails, the other will fail as well, so you might as well just exit now. This can also be used when your program has done everything it needed to do, and now just needs to exit, i.e. after printing a help message.

Most of the time you won't use panic (you should return an error instead), and you almost never need os.Exit outside of some cases in tests and for quick program termination.

Debugging kernel hang

Here are some options, depending on the specifics on your situation. If you can provide more detail about the platform and nature of the kernel mode driver it would be helpful.

Assuming you have reason to be confident in the hardware, your likely sources of lockups are locking problems in the kernel, uninitialized variables, and infinite loops with preemption disabled.

Can you configure a timer interrupt to run periodically and blink a LED? You might find it useful to see if interrupts continue to be handled while in a lockup.

Enable soft lockup detection in the Linux kernel hacking menu, and any other relevant kernel hacking features. It may take Linux a minute or two detect and report a soft lockup. Have you waited long enough to check for this?

Enable lock dependency checking in kernel hacking, and fix any reported locking errors in your driver.

Try changing the kernel preemption mode. This changes the behaviour of some system locks, in some cases turning deadlocks into less harmful locks. If it's relevant/possible, disable SMP.

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