Kill Detached Screen Session

Kill detached screen session

"kill" will only kill one screen window. To "kill" the complete session, use quit.


$ screen -X -S [session # you want to kill] quit

For dead sessions use:
$ screen -wipe

Kill Attached Screen in Linux

screen -X -S SCREENID kill

alternatively, you can use the following command

screen -S SCREENNAME -p 0 -X quit

You can view the list of the screen sessions by executing screen -ls

Systemctl(?) killing detached screens

systemd by default kills all processes (screens) if the main service that created them (your Go program) exits. Note this is not only subprocesses but any processes within the same cgroup. This is to make sure that if service crashes there are no leftover processes from it.

This behavior can be controlled using key KillMode= in .service unit file which is described here. Although not recommended you need to set it to either process or none (to leave your screens unmanaged and escape your service lifecycle management by systemd).

How to stop a screen process in linux?

CTRL+a and then 'k' will kill a screen session.

Running shell script in detached screen session. Must kill. How?

Reattach the screen with

screen -D -r

then you can resume your session.

Kill attached screen session with numbers as session name

I found the answer.

screen -ls | grep 27535  | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill

How do I force detach Screen from another SSH session?

As Jose answered, screen -d -r should do the trick. This is a combination of two commands, as taken from the man page.

screen -d detaches the already-running screen session, and screen -r reattaches the existing session. By running screen -d -r, you force screen to detach it and then resume the session.

If you use the capital -D -RR, I quote the man page because it's too good to pass up.

Attach here and now. Whatever that means, just do it.

Note: It is always a good idea to check the status of your sessions by means of "screen -list".

Killing a screen without a specific session #

I also start screens with the -dmS option, and I send commands to the screen using the stuff command:

$ screen -dmS screenname
$ screen -ls
There is a screen on:
22941.screenname (Detached)
1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-user.

$ screen -S screenname -p 0 -X stuff "exit$(printf \\r)"
$ screen -ls
No Sockets found in /var/run/screen/S-user.


more details on "stuff" are in the screen man page, search for 'stuff string'

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