Retrieving Percentage CSS Values (In Firefox)

Retrieving percentage CSS values (in firefox)

The correct answer is a comment on the bug I filed on bugzilla

To get the correct % value (on firefox too) the element's (or one of its parents) display should be set to none

Test :

The unclear thing is: why on the same browser/version (see, firefox 7 on XP/win7 or Opera 11.5 on mac osx / ubuntu) but on different os, the behav is different?

Btw, the spec @thg435 posted (and reported on mdn) is still in flux.

Getting percentages to work in CSS calc() for Firefox and Safari?

Eureka. I've been struggeling with this for days. Finally found that 100vh instead off 100% would make it work with most browsers.

height: calc(100vh - 100px);

instead of

height: calc(100% - 100px);

Finally, now I can get on with my project.

Get wrong value of css property in Firefox using jquery css()

According to this other post Retrieving percentage CSS values (in firefox) this is a know bug. Based on the fiddle in that post's answer I've made a jQuery plugin which should get rid of your problem:

(function($) {
$.fn.cssFix = function(property) {
var el = this[0], value;

if (el.currentStyle)
value = el.currentStyle[property];
else if (window.getComputedStyle)
value = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el,null).getPropertyValue(property);

return value;



Here's a fiddle that uses this plugin and works on both Chrome and Firefox, and returns the value as it was defined in the css rule: either % or px.

EDIT: Tested in Internet Explorer and it works there as well

transform-origin not working in Firefox even properties in percentage value

To summarise the comments you have been getting:

  1. The transform-origin property with percentage values on SVG elements has been broken in Firefox, and has only just been fixed/implemented.

  2. The meaning of transform-origin: 50% 50% when applied to SVG elements has not been fully specified until recently. Chrome used the centre of the element's bounding box. Firefox uses the centre of the SVG.

  3. How percentage origins are to be calculated has only recently been decided. There is a new property called transform-box. See:

The default value of transform-box for SVG elements is view-box (typically the centre of the whole SVG). However Chrome currently uses the equivalent of fill-box.

In summary, you should not rely on Chrome's behaviour. It is probably going to change to match what is specified by the new transform-box property.

If you want to have your SVG work now on both browsers, don't use percentage values in transform-origin. Use absolute coordinates. See example below.

.tyreA {  -webkit-transform-origin: 71.59px 43.42px;  -moz-transform-origin: 71.59px 43.42px;  transform-origin: 71.59px 43.42px;  transform: rotate(0);  -webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;          animation: spin 1s linear infinite;}
.tyreB { -webkit-transform-origin: 19.83px 43.39px; -moz-transform-origin: 19.83px 43.39px; transform-origin: 19.83px 43.39px; transform: rotate(0); -webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite; animation: spin 1s linear infinite;}
.tyreC { -webkit-transform-origin: 51.2px 43.39px; -moz-transform-origin: 51.2px 43.39px; transform-origin: 51.2px 43.39px; transform: rotate(0); -webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite; animation: spin 1s linear infinite;}
@-webkit-keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(360deg); } to { transform: rotate(0deg); }}@keyframes spin { from { transform: rotate(360deg); } to { transform: rotate(0deg); }}
<svg class='truck' viewBox='0 0 93 53' xmlns='' height="180">  <g class='chase' fill-rule='evenodd' fill='none'>    <path d='M32.087 35.263h3.023V5.973h-3.023v29.29z' fill='#EE7C00'></path>    <path d='M87.84 35.262H5.007v4.065L9.07 43.39h74.707l4.062-4.063v-4.065z' fill='#9B9B9B'></path>    <path d='M35.11 35.262h57.445v-3.966H35.11v3.966z' fill='#F09E00'></path>    <path d='M90.393 35.262h2.16v-3.966h-2.16v3.966z' fill='#E2000F'></path>    <path d='M17.498.493L2.91 15.08v20.182h29.175V.492H17.498z' fill='#FCC400'></path>    <path d='M29.495 2.905H18.16L6.823 14.24h22.67V2.905z' fill='#575656'></path>    <path d='M0 35.262h10.014v-3.966H0v3.966z' fill='#F09E00'></path>    <path d='M5.008 37.294h82.83v-2.032H5.01v2.032z' fill='#575656'></path>    <path d='M.75 29.858h2.16v-6.995H.75v6.995zM11.015 20.074h3.497v-2.16h-3.497v2.16z' fill='#E2000F'></path>    <path d='M28.447 35.262h1.05V14.24h-1.05v21.022z' fill='#EE7C00'></path>    <path d='M53.51 27.23h34.33v4.065H53.51V27.23z' fill='#575656'></path>  </g>  <g class='tyreA'>    <path d='M64.827 36.593a9.61 9.61 0 0 0 0 13.59c3.753 3.754 9.837 3.754 13.59 0a9.61 9.61 0 0 0-13.59-13.59' fill='#1A1A18'></path>    <path d='M67.287 39.053a6.13 6.13 0 0 0 0 8.67 6.13 6.13 0 1 0 0-8.67' fill='#9B9B9B'></path>    <path d='M67.287 39.053a6.133 6.133 0 0 0 0 8.67 6.134 6.134 0 0 0 8.67 0l-8.67-8.67z' fill='#C5C5C6'></path>    <path d='M68.784 40.55a4.012 4.012 0 0 0 5.676 5.677 4.012 4.012 0 0 0-5.676-5.676' fill='#868685'></path>    <path d='M65.526 37.293A8.62 8.62 0 1 1 77.72 49.486a8.62 8.62 0 0 1-12.192-12.193m-.385-.386c-3.578 3.578-3.578 9.384 0 12.963 3.58 3.58 9.385 3.58 12.964 0 3.578-3.58 3.578-9.385 0-12.963-3.58-3.58-9.386-3.58-12.964 0' fill='#3B3A39'></path>  </g>  <g class='tyreB'>    <path d='M13.038 36.593c-3.754 3.754-3.754 9.838 0 13.59a9.61 9.61 0 0 0 13.59 0c3.754-3.752 3.754-9.836 0-13.59a9.61 9.61 0 0 0-13.59 0' fill='#1A1A18'></path>    <path d='M15.498 39.054a6.128 6.128 0 0 0 0 8.67 6.13 6.13 0 0 0 8.67 0 6.13 6.13 0 0 0-8.67-8.67' fill='#9B9B9B'></path>    <path d='M15.498 39.054a6.13 6.13 0 1 0 8.67 8.67l-8.67-8.67z' fill='#C5C5C6'></path>    <path d='M16.996 40.55a4.012 4.012 0 1 0 5.675 5.677 4.014 4.014 0 0 0-5.674-5.676' fill='#868685'></path>    <path d='M13.737 37.293a8.622 8.622 0 0 1 12.192 0 8.622 8.622 0 0 1 0 12.192 8.622 8.622 0 0 1-12.193 0 8.622 8.622 0 0 1 0-12.192m-.385-.385a9.164 9.164 0 0 0 0 12.962c3.578 3.58 9.384 3.58 12.962 0a9.164 9.164 0 0 0 0-12.962 9.164 9.164 0 0 0-12.962 0' fill='#3B3A39'></path>  </g>  <g class='tyreC'>    <path d='M44.406 36.593c-3.753 3.754-3.753 9.838 0 13.59 3.754 3.755 9.838 3.755 13.59 0 3.755-3.752 3.755-9.836 0-13.59-3.752-3.753-9.836-3.753-13.59 0' fill='#1A1A18'></path>    <path d='M46.868 39.054a6.128 6.128 0 0 0 0 8.67 6.128 6.128 0 0 0 8.67 0 6.128 6.128 0 0 0 0-8.67 6.13 6.13 0 0 0-8.67 0' fill='#9B9B9B'></path>    <path d='M46.868 39.054a6.13 6.13 0 1 0 8.67 8.67l-8.67-8.67z' fill='#C5C5C6'></path>    <path d='M48.364 40.55a4.014 4.014 0 1 0 0 0' fill='#868685'></path>    <path d='M45.106 37.293a8.622 8.622 0 0 1 12.192 0 8.622 8.622 0 0 1 0 12.192 8.622 8.622 0 0 1-12.192 0 8.622 8.622 0 0 1 0-12.192m-.385-.385a9.164 9.164 0 0 0 0 12.962c3.58 3.58 9.385 3.58 12.963 0 3.58-3.578 3.58-9.384 0-12.962a9.164 9.164 0 0 0-12.962 0' fill='#3B3A39'></path>  </g></svg>

Firefox ignores percentage width value set for text input element

Try adding box-sizing: border-box (and the corresponding -moz-box-sizing, -webkit-box-sizing). Otherwise, padding and margin are added to the 97% instead of included in.

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