How to Parse Xml Using Jquery

How to parse XML using jQuery?

There is the $.parseXML function for this:

You can use it like this:

var xml = $.parseXML(yourfile.xml),
$xml = $( xml ),
$test = $xml.find('test');


If you really want an object, you need a plugin for that. This plugin for instance, will convert your XML to JSON:

How to parse XML using jQuery

A simple example that would create an array of the url's would be:

  var imgs =  $xml.find('image').map(function(){
return $(this).attr('full');


Or you could use each and add a new element for every iteration in the loop

$('<img>',{src: $(this).attr('full')}).appendTo('body');

How to use jQuery for XML parsing with namespaces

I got it.

Turns out that it requires \\ to escape the colon.

$.get(xmlPath, {}, function(xml) {
$("rs\\:data", xml).find("z\\:row").each(function(i) {
alert("found zrow");
}, "xml");

As Rich pointed out:

The better solution does not require escaping and works on all "modern" browsers:


AJAX / Jquery XML parse

I think you iterate over members, not names:

success: function(xml) {
var name = $(this).text();

Or maybe your XML should looks like:

<name>Bill Gates</name>
<name>Bob Barker</name>

How to parse XML string value using jQuery?

Just pass the string directly?

function doWhateverItIsYoureDoing(xml) {
var data = "";
var startTag = "<table border='1' id='mainTable'><tbody><tr><td style=\"width: 120px\">Name</td><td style=\"width: 120px\">Link</td></tr>";
var endTag = "</tbody></table>";
$(xml).find('url').each(function() {
var $url = $(this);
var link = $url.find('link').text();
var name = $url.find('name').text();
data += '<tr><td>' + name + '</td>';
data += '<td>' + link + '</td></tr>';
$("#content").html(startTag + data + endTag);

your .get could be rewritten as:

 $.get('data.xml',doWhateverItIsYoureDoing );

and if you have xml in a string already, then

 var data = "<?xml version=\"1......";

how to parse xml response from API using jquery,ajax

Using parseXML you can read your value.

var xml = "<student_detail><student><student_name>sunil </student_name><batch_name>abc</batch_name><admission_date>56-2000</admission_date><blood_group></blood_group><gender>M</gender><nationality>India (भारत)</nationality><city></city><state></state><country>India (भारत)</country>/student_additional_details></student></student_detail>";xmlDoc = $.parseXML(xml),  $xml = $(xmlDoc),  $student_name = $xml.find("student_name");$("#someElement").append($student_name.text());
<script src=""></script><span id="someElement"></span>

simple parsing XML using JQuery

there is an error in your code

make it

$(document).find("album").each(function(){  //this does not
alert('1'); //never runs
foo = $(this).find('image').text();

parsing xml in jquery

Passing dataType: "xml" tells jQuery to call parseXML for you.

You don't need to do anything.

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