How to Declare Hash.New(0) with 0 Default Value for Counting Objects in JavaScript

How to declare with 0 default value for counting objects in JavaScript?

ECMAScript does not have default values for missing keys in objects the same way Ruby does for Hashes. You can, however, use dynamic introspective metaprogramming to do something similar, using ECMAScript Proxy objects:

const defaultValue = 42;
const proxyHandler = {
get: (target, name) => name in target ? target[name] : defaultValue
const underlyingObject = {};

const hash = new Proxy(underlyingObject, proxyHandler);

1 in hash
//=> false
1 in underlyingObject
//=> false

//=> 42
//=> undefined

So, you could do something like this:

(acc, el) => { acc[el]++; return acc },
new Proxy(
{ get: (target, name) => name in target ? target[name] : 0 }
//=> Proxy [ { '0': 5, '1': 3 }, { get: [Function: get] } ]

However, this is still not equivalent to the Ruby version, where the keys of the Hash can be arbitrary objects whereas the property keys in an ECMAScript object can only be Strings and Symbols.

The direct equivalent of a Ruby Hash is an ECMAScript Map.

Unfortunately, ECMAScript Maps don't have default values either. We could use the same trick we used for objects and create a Proxy, but that would be awkward since we would have to intercept accesses to the get method of the Map, then extract the arguments, call has, and so on.

Luckily, Maps are designed to be subclassable:

class DefaultMap extends Map {
constructor(iterable=undefined, defaultValue=undefined) {
Object.defineProperty(this, "defaultValue", { value: defaultValue });

get(key) {
return this.has(key) ? super.get(key) : this.defaultValue;

const hash = new DefaultMap(undefined, 42);

//=> false

//=> 42

This allows us to do something like this:

(acc, el) => acc.set(el, acc.get(el) + 1),
new DefaultMap(undefined, 0)
//=> DefaultMap [Map] { 1 => 3, 0 => 5 }

Of course, once we start defining our own Map anyway, we might just go the whole way:

class Histogram extends DefaultMap {
constructor(iterator=undefined) {
super(undefined, 0);

if (iterator) {
for (const el of iterator) {

set(key) {
super.set(key, this.get(key) + 1)

new Histogram(arr)
//=> Histogram [Map] { 1 => 3, 0 => 5 }

This also demonstrates a very important lesson: the choice of data structure can vastly influence the complexity of the algorithm. With the correct choice of data structure (a Histogram), the algorithm completely vanishes, all we do is instantiate the data structure.

Note that the same is true in Ruby also. By choosing the right data structure (there are several implementations of a MultiSet floating around the web), your entire algorithm vanishes and all that is left is:

require 'multiset'

#=> #<Multiset:#5 0, #3 1>

Creating a Hash with values as arrays and default value as empty array

Lakshmi is right. When you created the Hash using[]), you created one array object.

Hence, the same array is returned for every missing key in the Hash.

That is why, if the shared array is edited, the change is reflected across all the missing keys.

Using: { |h, k| h[k] = [] }

Creates and assigns a new array for each missing key in the Hash, so that it is a unique object.

Set default value of Javascript object attributes

Since I asked the question several years ago things have progressed nicely.

Proxies are part of ES6. The following example works in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Edge:

let handler = {
get: function(target, name) {
return target.hasOwnProperty(name) ? target[name] : 42;

let emptyObj = {};
let p = new Proxy(emptyObj, handler);

p.answerToTheUltimateQuestionOfLife; //=> 42

Read more in Mozilla's documentation on Proxies.

Ruby hash default value behavior

The other answers seem to indicate that the difference in behavior is due to Integers being immutable and Arrays being mutable. But that is misleading. The difference is not that the creator of Ruby decided to make one immutable and the other mutable. The difference is that you, the programmer decided to mutate one but not the other.

The question is not whether Arrays are mutable, the question is whether you mutate it.

You can get both the behaviors you see above, just by using Arrays. Observe:

One default Array with mutation

hsh =[])

hsh[:one] << 'one'
hsh[:two] << 'two'

# => ['one', 'two']
# Because we mutated the default value, nonexistent keys return the changed value

# => {}
# But we never mutated the hash itself, therefore it is still empty!

One default Array without mutation

hsh =[])

hsh[:one] += ['one']
hsh[:two] += ['two']
# This is syntactic sugar for hsh[:two] = hsh[:two] + ['two']

# => []
# We didn't mutate the default value, it is still an empty array

# => { :one => ['one'], :two => ['two'] }
# This time, we *did* mutate the hash.

A new, different Array every time with mutation

hsh = { [] }
# This time, instead of a default *value*, we use a default *block*

hsh[:one] << 'one'
hsh[:two] << 'two'

# => []
# We *did* mutate the default value, but it was a fresh one every time.

# => {}
# But we never mutated the hash itself, therefore it is still empty!

hsh = {|hsh, key| hsh[key] = [] }
# This time, instead of a default *value*, we use a default *block*
# And the block not only *returns* the default value, it also *assigns* it

hsh[:one] << 'one'
hsh[:two] << 'two'

# => []
# We *did* mutate the default value, but it was a fresh one every time.

# => { :one => ['one'], :two => ['two'], :nonexistent => [] }

rails nested hash with default values

The doc for Hash::new explains the three ways of initializing a hash and, in your case, you are using an object in the Hash constructor:

If obj is specified, this single object will be used for all default values.

If you want that each missing key creates it's own object, create the hash with a block, like this:

h = { |h,k| h[k] = { count: 0, rating: 0 } }


2.6.3 :012 > h
=> {}
2.6.3 :013 > h['a'][:count] = 5
=> 5
2.6.3 :015 > h
=> {"a"=>{:count=>5, :rating=>0}}

In Ruby, how to set a default value for a nested hash?

Apparently I only had to do:

hash = { |h,k| h[k] = }

Whoops. I'll try not to be so hasty to ask a question next time.

How to get value from Object, with default value

Looks like finally lodash has the _.get() function for this!

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