Regular Expression to Get a String Between Parentheses in JavaScript

Regular Expression to get a string between parentheses in Javascript

You need to create a set of escaped (with \) parentheses (that match the parentheses) and a group of regular parentheses that create your capturing group:

var regExp = /\(([^)]+)\)/;var matches = regExp.exec("I expect five hundred dollars ($500).");
//matches[1] contains the value between the parenthesesconsole.log(matches[1]);

Regular expression to get value in between parentheses

You may do that using

value[/\((.*?)\)/, 1]


value[/\(([^()]*)\)/, 1]

Use a capturing group and a second argument to extract just the group value.

Note that \((.*?)\) will also match a substring that contains ( char in it, and the second option will only match a substring between parentheses that does not contain ( nor ) since [^()] is a negated character class that matches any char but ( and ).

See the Ruby demo online.

From the Ruby docs:

str[regexp, capture] → new_str or nil

If a Regexp is supplied, the matching portion of the string is returned. If a capture follows the regular expression, which may be a capture group index or name, follows the regular expression that component of the MatchData is returned instead.

In case you need to extract multiple occurrences, use String#scan:

value = "John sinu.s(14) and Jack(156)"
puts value.scan(/\(([^()]*)\)/)
# => [ 14, 156 ]

See another Ruby demo.

JavaScript: How to get string between brackets

Both of these examples assume that the string will always have a set of parenthesis, opening before closing.

I suggest using substring and indexOf for this:

var result = myString.substring( myString.indexOf( '(' ) + 1, myString.indexOf( ')' ) );

You can also use a regex if you prefer:

var result = /\(([^)]*)\)/.exec(myString)[1];

Regex to select text between parentheses with a specific text as target

You only have to include the target string surrounded by character classes that exclude the closing parenthesis:


If you only need to replace the match, you don't need the capture group (you can remove it).

RegEx to match stuff between parentheses

You need to make your regex pattern 'non-greedy' by adding a ? after the .+

By default, * and + are greedy in that they will match as long a string of chars as possible, ignoring any matches that might occur within the string.

Non-greedy makes the pattern only match the shortest possible match.

See Watch Out for The Greediness! for a better explanation.

Or alternately, change your regex to


which will match any grouping of parentheses that do not, themselves, contain parentheses.

Extract all chars between parenthesis

Don't use a negative character set, since parentheses (both ( and )) may appear inside the match you want. Greedily repeat instead, so that you match as much as possible, until the engine backtracks and finds the first ) from the right:

'aaaaa (test(())) bbbb'

Regular Expression to get a string between parentheses and inside the string literal in Javascript

let s =  "Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`testdb`.`products`, CONSTRAINT `products_ibfk_3` FOREIGN KEY (`category_id`) REFERENCES `product_categories` (`id`))";

let match = /FOREIGN KEY \(`([\w]*)`\)/.exec(s);
let extracted = match[1];

Get string inside parentheses, removing parentheses, with regex

Like this


var str1 = "this is (1) test",
str2 = "this is (2) test",
str3 = str1.match(/\((.*?)\)/)[1] + str2.match(/\((.*?)\)/)[1];


On jsfiddle

See MDN RegExp

(x) Matches x and remembers the match. These are called capturing

For example, /(foo)/ matches and remembers 'foo' in "foo bar." The
matched substring can be recalled from the resulting array's elements
1, ..., [n] or from the predefined RegExp object's properties $1,
..., $9.

Capturing groups have a performance penalty. If you don't need the
matched substring to be recalled, prefer non-capturing parentheses
(see below).

string between parentheses with regex

You need to work with capture regex groups () to withdraw the number and string separately, have a look:

let rawStr = "this is (131PS) for now";
let theMatch = rawStr.match(/\((\d+)([A-Z]+)\)/);
if (theMatch) { let theNum = parseInt(theMatch[1]); let theString = theMatch[2]; console.log(theNum, theString);}

Get text between parentheses

This should do the trick:


How it works

  • \( matches opening brackets
  • \) matches closing brackets
  • [^\(\)] matches anything apart from more brackets
  • *? add a zero or more times quantifier to the above pattern (made lazy by ?)

JavaScript implementation



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