Convert Utc Epoch to Local Date

Convert UTC Epoch to local date

I think I have a simpler solution -- set the initial date to the epoch and add UTC units. Say you have a UTC epoch var stored in seconds. How about 1234567890. To convert that to a proper date in the local time zone:

var utcSeconds = 1234567890;
var d = new Date(0); // The 0 there is the key, which sets the date to the epoch

d is now a date (in my time zone) set to Fri Feb 13 2009 18:31:30 GMT-0500 (EST)

How can I create a Java 8 LocalDate from a long Epoch time in Milliseconds?

If you have the milliseconds since the Epoch and want to convert them to a local date using the current local timezone, you can use Instant.ofEpochMilli(long epochMilli)

LocalDate date =

but keep in mind that even the system’s default time zone may change, thus the same long value may produce different result in subsequent runs, even on the same machine.

Further, keep in mind that LocalDate, unlike java.util.Date, really represents a date, not a date and time.

Otherwise, you may use a LocalDateTime:

LocalDateTime date =
LocalDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(longValue), ZoneId.systemDefault());

convert epoch time to date

EDIT: Okay, so you don't want your local time (which isn't Australia) to contribute to the result, but instead the Australian time zone. Your existing code should be absolutely fine then, although Sydney is currently UTC+11, not UTC+10.. Short but complete test app:

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
Date date = new Date(1318386508000L);
DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss");
String formatted = format.format(date);
formatted = format.format(date);


12/10/2011 02:28:28
12/10/2011 13:28:28

I would also suggest you start using Joda Time which is simply a much nicer date/time API...

EDIT: Note that if your system doesn't know about the Australia/Sydney time zone, it would show UTC. For example, if I change the code about to use TimeZone.getTimeZone("blah/blah") it will show the UTC value twice. I suggest you print TimeZone.getTimeZone("Australia/Sydney").getDisplayName() and see what it says... and check your code for typos too :)

Convert UTC datetime string to local datetime

If you don't want to provide your own tzinfo objects, check out the python-dateutil library. It provides tzinfo implementations on top of a zoneinfo (Olson) database such that you can refer to time zone rules by a somewhat canonical name.

from datetime import datetime
from dateutil import tz

# METHOD 1: Hardcode zones:
from_zone = tz.gettz('UTC')
to_zone = tz.gettz('America/New_York')

# METHOD 2: Auto-detect zones:
from_zone = tz.tzutc()
to_zone = tz.tzlocal()

# utc = datetime.utcnow()
utc = datetime.strptime('2011-01-21 02:37:21', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

# Tell the datetime object that it's in UTC time zone since
# datetime objects are 'naive' by default
utc = utc.replace(tzinfo=from_zone)

# Convert time zone
central = utc.astimezone(to_zone)

Edit Expanded example to show strptime usage

Edit 2 Fixed API usage to show better entry point method

Edit 3 Included auto-detect methods for timezones (Yarin)

Convert Epoch time to human readable with specific timezone

You can use offset to convert your current datetime to a specific timezone.

function convertEpochToSpecificTimezone(timeEpoch, offset){
var d = new Date(timeEpoch);
var utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); //This converts to UTC 00:00
var nd = new Date(utc + (3600000*offset));
return nd.toLocaleString();
// convertEpochToSpecificTimezone(1495159447834, +3)

The offset will be your specific timezone. Example: GMT +03:00, your offset is +3. If GMT -10:00, offset is -10

Converting Epoch time into the datetime

To convert your time value (float or int) to a formatted string, use:

import time

time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(1347517370))

For example:

import time

my_time = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(1347517370))


Convert date in words to epoch time stamp in python

With the input from the comment you could try:

from datetime import datetime

dates = {'Date': ['May 01, 2022', 'Apr 30, 2022', 'Apr 29, 2022', 'Apr 28, 2022', 'Apr 27, 2022']}
dates['Date'] = [
datetime.strptime(date, "%b %d, %Y").timestamp() for date in dates['Date']

How to extract epoch from LocalDate and LocalDateTime?

The classes LocalDate and LocalDateTime do not contain information about the timezone or time offset, and seconds since epoch would be ambigious without this information. However, the objects have several methods to convert them into date/time objects with timezones by passing a ZoneId instance.


LocalDate date = ...;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.systemDefault(); // or: ZoneId.of("Europe/Oslo");
long epoch = date.atStartOfDay(zoneId).toEpochSecond();


LocalDateTime time = ...;
ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.systemDefault(); // or: ZoneId.of("Europe/Oslo");
long epoch = time.atZone(zoneId).toEpochSecond();

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