How to Run Gulp Tasks Sequentially One After the Other

How to run Gulp tasks sequentially one after the other

It's not an official release yet, but the coming up Gulp 4.0 lets you easily do synchronous tasks with gulp.series. You can simply do it like this:

gulp.task('develop', gulp.series('clean', 'coffee'))

I found a good blog post introducing how to upgrade and make a use of those neat features:
migrating to gulp 4 by example

Running Gulp task one after another in specific order

You should have the 'unzip-wp' task wait for the 'download' task to finish. To make sure the 'download' task is really finished also add a return statement to that task, i.e. this would do what you're looking for:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
decompress = require('gulp-decompress'),
download = require("gulp-download"),
ftp = require('gulp-ftp'),
gutil = require('gulp-util');

gulp.task('default', function () {
console.log("Hello gulp");

var src_download = [

gulp.task('download', function () {
return download(src_download)

gulp.task('unzip-wp', ['download'], function () {
return gulp.src('')
.pipe(decompress({strip: 1}))

gulp.task('install', ['unzip-wp']);

How to run multiple tasks synchronized?

Gulp 4.0 (3.9.1 as of right now) has the ability to run tasks in sequence/series.

For now, you could use the run-sequence package.

How can I automatically run all gulp tasks?

This has three arguments:

gulp.task('browser-sync', gulp.series('nodemon'), () => {

in gulp v4+ you can only have two arguments, so change that to

gulp.task('browser-sync', gulp.series('nodemon', () => {

and same with

gulp.task('default', gulp.series('browser-sync', () => {

  • there will be a close paren ) to add to the ends of those functions too, like }));

Run gulp task after completion of other task

I know you don't want to use a plugin, but gulp doesn't have a way to run a sequence of tasks in order without a plugin. Gulp 4 will, but in the meantime the stopgap solution is the run-sequence plugin.

gulp.task('all', function() {
runSequence('base', 'mods');

This ensures that the tasks run in order as opposed to unordered dependencies.

Now setup a watch:

gulp.task('watch', function() {'base-glob', ['all']);'mods-glob', ['mods']);

Whenever base-glob changes, gulp will run all task, which will run the sequence base then mods.

Whenever mods-glob changes, gulp will run only mods task.

That sound about right?

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