How to Set the Value Property in Angularjs' Ng-Options

How do I set the value property in AngularJS' ng-options?

See ngOptions

ngOptions(optional) – {comprehension_expression=} – in one of the
following forms:

For array data sources:
label for value in array
select as label for value in array
label group by group for value in array
select as label group by group for value in array track by trackexpr
For object data sources:
label for (key , value) in object
select as label for (key , value) in object
label group by group for (key, value) in object
select as label group by group for (key, value) in object

In your case, it should be

array = [{ "value": 1, "text": "1st" }, { "value": 2, "text": "2nd" }];

<select ng-options="obj.value as obj.text for obj in array"></select>


With the updates on AngularJS, it is now possible to set the actual value for the value attribute of select element with track by expression.

<select ng-options="obj.text for obj in array track by obj.value">

How to remember this ugly stuff

To all the people who are having hard time to remember this syntax form: I agree this isn't the most easiest or beautiful syntax. This syntax is kind of an extended version of Python's list comprehensions and knowing that helps me to remember the syntax very easily. It's something like this:

Python code:

my_list = [x**2 for x in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
> [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

# Let people to be a list of person instances
my_list2 = [ for person in people]
> my_list2 = ['Alice', 'Bob']

This is actually the same syntax as the first one listed above. However, in <select> we usually need to differentiate between the actual value in code and the text shown (the label) in a <select> element.

Like, we need in the code, but we don't want to show the id to the user; we want to show its name. Likewise, we're not interested in the in the code. There comes the as keyword to label stuff. So it becomes like this: as for person in people

Or, instead of we could need the person instance/reference itself. See below:

person as for person in people

For JavaScript objects, the same method applies as well. Just remember that the items in the object is deconstructed with (key, value) pairs.

AngularJS: Set value for options in ng-options

You could have 0 & 1 for respective statuses


<select name="isMarried" id="isMarried" 
class="form-control" ng-model="customer.isMarried"
ng-options="statue.value as statue.description for statue in maritalStatues">


$scope.maritialStatus = [ { value : 1, description : "Yes"}, {value : 0, description : "Unmarried"}];

how to set a default value in ng-options AngularJS

You can to set at no-model property. Example:

$scope.distrito.entidade.idEntidade = $scope.distritos[0].entidade.idEntidade;

angular.module('app', []).controller('select', function($scope) {  $scope.distrito = {};  $scope.distrito.entidade = {};
$scope.distritos = [{ entidade: { nome: 'test1', idEntidade: 1 } }, { entidade: { nome: 'test2', idEntidade: 2 } }];
$scope.distrito.entidade.idEntidade = $scope.distritos[0].entidade.idEntidade;});
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="app" ng-controller="select">  <select ng-options="dis.entidade.idEntidade as dis.entidade.nome for dis in distritos" ng-model="distrito.entidade.idEntidade" class="form-control">    </select></div>

Can't set selected value of ng-options

That is because angular looks for object equality to bind it with your syntax and inyour case $scope.siteList[1] is not equal to { id: 2, name: 'walking'}; (2 objects are equal only if they point to the same reference). You can get around this in many ways, one easy way is to use track by syntax with ng-options to specify track by id, which will enable ng-option's options to be tracked by the specified property of the bound object rather than the object reference itself.

<select ng-model="" 
ng-options=" for site in siteList track by"></select>

You could also use the syntax to minimally set the ng-model to specify only the id using select as part in the syntax:-


ng-options=" as for site in siteList"

and model would just be:-

 $ = 2;

angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl', function($scope){  $scope.thisTour = {}; $scope.siteList = [        { id: 1, name: 'cycling'},        { id: 2, name: 'walking'},        { id: 3, name: 'holidays'}    ]
$ = { id: 2, name: 'walking'};})
<script src=""></script><div ng-app="app" ng-controller="ctrl">  <select ng-model="" ng-options=" for site in siteList track by"></select>  {{}}  </div>

Angular ng-options how to bind to one property, not entire object?

You may use the following code if you want to bound the ng-model to itemName. Do note that you need to remove track by here for it to work as it will evaluates to undefined and the model value will not match to any options.

i.itemName as i.itemName for i in fl.combo_ItemList.itemList.

How Filter ng-options base on property in array property of object

I used something like this for Country and State filtering in my Project.

<select ng-model="userState" ng-options=" for state in ( states | filter: {country: { code: userCountry.code }}) track by">

Try this Fiddle:

It'll help.

Click to view Fiddle.

Setting default value for select/ using ng-options with (key, value) in angularjs

The solution was to set the following default value:

$scope.selected = '1';

So I just needed to set the id (key). In the select box was displayed "Attribute1" now and the related id is bound.

AngularJS ng-options ng-model option selected by id

Udpated the ng-options to

ng-options=" as item.title for item in countries">


without track By - JSFiddle

with track By - JSFiddle

track by just helps Angular internally with array sorting as far as I know. The value of the options is defined by the first argument (in your case item). If you want it to be by id then you should use as for item in items

send the option object when using angularjs ng-options and ng-change

The short version is as follows:

Change your <select> markup to the following:

<select ng-model="selectedCurrency" ng-init="selectedCurrency=currencies[0]" 
ng-options="currency as currency.cur_symbol+' '+currency.cur_name_he for currency in currencies track by currency.cur_iso"

Change your $scope.setCurrency() method to the following:

$scope.setCurrency = function (currency) {
$scope.bindRateModel = parseFloat(currency.cur_rate_in_nis);
$scope.bindCurrencyModel = currency.cur_iso;

Why does this work?

The first difference is that I am binding the whole currency object to a new selectedCurrency scope property. This gives you access to the whole object, not just the cur_iso property. This saves you having to look through the currencies array to find the full object.

Then I changed the ng-change expression to pass in this whole object to $scope.setCurrency using the scope property that it is bound to. This allows that method access to the full object.

Finally, you need to set $scope.bindCurrencyModel inside the $scope.setCurrency() function, so that it will equal just the field that you are interested in.

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