Constructors in JavaScript Objects

Constructors in JavaScript objects

Using prototypes:

function Box(color) // Constructor
this.color = color;

Box.prototype.getColor = function()
return this.color;

Hiding "color" (somewhat resembles a private member variable):

function Box(col)
var color = col;

this.getColor = function()
return color;


var blueBox = new Box("blue");
alert(blueBox.getColor()); // will alert blue

var greenBox = new Box("green");
alert(greenBox.getColor()); // will alert green

Adding Properties to existing Javascript Objects from Object Constructors

You can add additional properties after the fact:

function funcConstruct(first,last,age) {
this.firstName = first,
this.lastName = last,
this.age = age,
this.fullNameAge = function() {
return this.lastName + ', ' + this.firstName + ', ' + this.age

var johnDoe = new funcConstruct('John', 'Doe', 52); = "bar";

You are using the function constructor pattern, but note that there are other javascript object encapsulation patterns you can use depending on your use case some are better than others. In my opinion, I would use the function constructor pattern only if I was using pre ES6, if using >=ES6 (ES2015) I would use a class, and only if I needed a bunch of instances of the object. Otherwise, I would rather use the revealing module pattern if only a single instance of the object is required. Use fun

No use re-inventing the wheel, the accepted answer and some other highly voted answers to this question give a good summary. This video explains some of the confusion around using this in javascript and provides an opinion that it is probably best to avoid this where possible.

when to use class/object constructor

class syntax is mostly (but not entirely) syntactic sugar for creating constructor functions and filling in the object on their prototype property. You can do almost everything class does writing constructor functions explicitly and adding properties to their prototype property and using some methods on the ES2015+ Reflect object, but it's doing so is much more verbose and error-prone. (The number of things that you can only do with class syntax is going to increase before too long as the private fields and methods proposals mature.) I've given an overview of how class syntax can be emulated with earlier constructs in my answer to What benefits does ES2015 (ES6) class syntax provide? here.

As to when to use which, it's mostly a matter of style for you and your team to decide. Even for the things that you can't literally do without class syntax (such as private fields, which will likely advance to the living specification at some point this year and be in ES2021), you can do similar things in other ways.


  • If what you're doing requires class syntax (for instance, if you want to use private fields, once they're added [or now via transpilation]) and you want to do that thing specifically rather than something else that's similar to it, then you'll need to use class syntax.
  • If not, it's largely a matter of style for you and your team to decide.

Object constructor from template object

It is possible and straight forward after all to have properties in a constructor in class syntax based on arguments passed to the constructor. Mapping a function along the lines of a => this[a] onto an array of the property keys does it. In the snippet is an example where there is also an assignment to the property.

// example objectsconst someObject = {  a: 0,  b: 0,  c: 0,};
const otherObject = { a: 1, c: 137, d: 42,};
class Test { constructor(template, data) { Object.keys(template).map(a => { this[a] = data[a] ? data[a] : template[a]; return null; }); Object.seal(this); }}
const test = new Test(someObject, otherObject);console.log(test);

Constructor concept in JavaScript

First of all the person is a regular JavaScript function. When you call it, of course, lines:

this.firstName = "";
this.lastName = "";

are executed. Constructor function is rather a concept than a something really existing in the JS language. You need constructors to create new similar objects by calling new MyCtr(). At the same time you need regular functions to encapsulate piece of logic and make it reusable in different places without copy/paste the code.

You can use all functions in JavaScript as a constructor. Just add new keyword in front of function call expression. This thing changes the context of execution of the function. Without new the function is executed against global object (window in a browser). And this variable inside the function refers to the context.

Not every function is ready to be a constructor. Usually, constructor functions are doing something with this variable which is a reference to an object which is created during new MyCtr() call. Also, constructor functions never return a value.

Lets look at few examples (you can execute it directly in the browser's console):

function foo() {
this.a = 1;

foo(); // using function as a regular function. Ctx is window.
console.log(window.a); // prints "1"; // explicitly specify execution ctx. The same as just foo() call

var instance = new foo(); // using foo as a constructor
console.log(instance.a); // prints "1"

// actually you can do it without new keyword
var instance = {}; // manually create new object; // manually call foo against this object
console.log(instance.a); // prints "1"

// However, the code above is not strictly equivalent to the code using new.
// It omits the concept of prototype, but it's enough for our current task.

Regarding functions and files. There is no such thing in the language like in the Java that each class must be placed in the separate file. You can put all your functions within one file and then use it as constructors or not. However, the best practice is to reside one constructor function (read as class) per one file (called module).

Object.constructor===Object.constructor.constructor // why?

Because Object is a Function, and the Function constructor is a Function, so its constructor is itself.

An "object" is the fundamental building block of object-oriented programming. Object, in JavaScript, is a constructor function (like Date, or RegExp). Its job is to initialize new instances of objects created by the interpreter via the new keyword.

This may be off-topic, or not, since you're asking about constructors:

Any function in JavaScript can be a constructor function; it's purely a matter of how you use it. Consider:

function Foo() {

If I call that like this:

var f = Foo();'s just a boring old function, and f receives undefined (since Foo doesn't return anything). But if I call it like this:

var f = new Foo();

...I'm using it as a constructor function and something more interesting happens:

  1. The interpreter creates a new, blank object.
  2. The interpreter sets the new object's underlying prototype to be Foo.prototype.
  3. The interpreter calls Foo in a way that makes this refer to the new object.
  4. When Foo completes, if Foo doesn't return a value (or doesn't return an object), the result of the new expression is the object created in step 1. (If Foo returns an object, that object is used instead; that's an advanced thing most people don't have to do.)

Creating a array of objects using a constructor

Try this, JsBin sourses

    var people = [];

function Person(name, age){ // Function constructor = name; // do not forget 'this.'
this.age = age;

function addPerson(name,age){
var p = new Person(name,age); // here we create instance

addPerson("Petia", 80);
addPerson("Vasia", 20);

function totalAge(){
var total = 0; // do not name local variables same as function
var i; // use var for i variable, otherwise it would be global variable
for (i = 0; i < people.length; i++){
total += people[i].age;
return total;

var total = totalAge();

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