React-Router External Link

React-Router External link

I actually ended up building my own Component. <Redirect>
It takes info from the react-router element so I can keep it in my routes. Such as:

component={ Redirect }

Here is my component incase-anyone is curious:

import React, { Component } from "react";

export class Redirect extends Component {
constructor( props ){
this.state = { ...props };
window.location = this.state.route.loc;
return (<section>Redirecting...</section>);

export default Redirect;

This is with react-router: 3.0.5, it is not so simple in 4.x

useNavigate: Navigate to external Link

window.location.href = "";

How do I redirect to an External Link in react?


  1. I don't know why but you don't seem to use Link components consistently in your app; when using anchor (<a>) tags these types of links will reload the page and your app. A similar issue occurs when you manually set the window.location.href.
  2. The Image wasn't correctly accessing the passed route state.



Reorder your routes from more specific to least specific, and remove the link from within the Switch component, only Route and Redirect components are valid children.

function App(props) {
return (
<Route path="/gallery" component={GalleryList} />
<Route path="/image" component={Image} />
<Route path="/" component={Home} />


Use Link component to enter the gallery.

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";


<Link to="/gallery">
<h4>Click Here to Enter Gallery!</h4>


Use Link component for the link back home.

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";


<Link to="/">Home</Link>


Refer to image source consistently, i.e. src. Pass along also the image id in route state, using a Link.

const GalleryConatiner = (props) => {
return (
// generates the gallery list!
<li className={styles["gallery-list"]}>
to={{ pathname: "/image", state: { id:, src: props.src } }}
backgroundImage: `url(${props.src})`,
height: 250,
backgroundSize: "cover"


Use a Link for the link back to the gallery. Use the useLocation hook to access the passed route state.

import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom';

const Image = (props) => {
const { state: { id, src } = {} } = useLocation();
return (
<h1 className={styles["h1-wrapper"]}>Image :{id}</h1>
<div className={styles.wrapper}>
<Link to="/gallery">BACK TO GALLERY</Link>
<ImageContainer id={id} key={id} src={src} />


It isn't clear what your plan is for this component and clicking on the div rendering the passed image as a background so just remove the window.location.href logic with history.push if you want to navigate elsewhere. You can access the history object via the useHistory React hook.


Edit how-do-i-redirect-to-an-external-link-in-react

React route to an external link

Just use the good old anchor tags.

React-router is a routing system for a Single-Page Application. That all the routes should be defined in your page and be encapsulated within your app.

For external links, it's okay to use anchor tags.

<a href="" />

The rule of thumb here would be :-

  1. If the link is within your app, use React-Router.
  2. If not, use anchor tags

Navigate to external link in react js

Try this and let me know if you face any issues.
Here you can use window.location.replace too while i write window.location because it allows the user to go back to the route that redirected them.

 handleSubmit = () => {   if(registered){  window.location.href = '';  }}

React (5): Make route navigate to an external link

react-router-dom only deals with internal routing & navigation within a React app. If you want are trying to navigate/redirect to a URL that is external to your app from a matched route then I suggest using and open in a new browser context, like a new window or tab. You can create a custom component to do this as a mounting effect.


import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';

const RedirectExternal = ({ to }) => {
const history = useHistory();

React.useEffect(() => {, "_blank", "noreferrer");
// use timeout to move back navigation to end of event queue
}, [history, to]);

return null;


<Link to="/example"></Link>


<RedirectExternal from="/example" to="" />
<Route path="/">
<LandingPage />

Edit react-5-make-route-navigate-to-an-external-link

It might just be easier to link to the external page directly though.

<a href="" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">

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