Is the Underscore Prefix for Property and Method Names Merely a Convention

Is the underscore prefix for property and method names merely a convention?

Welcome to 2019!

It appears a proposal to extend class syntax to allow for # prefixed variable to be private was accepted. Chrome 74 ships with this support.

_ prefixed variable names are considered private by convention but are still public.

This syntax tries to be both terse and intuitive, although it's rather different from other programming languages.

Why was the sigil # chosen, among all the Unicode code points?

  • @ was the initial favorite, but it was taken by decorators. TC39 considered swapping decorators and private state sigils, but the committee decided to defer to the existing usage of transpiler users.
  • _ would cause compatibility issues with existing JavaScript code, which has allowed _ at the start of an identifier or (public) property name for a long time.

This proposal reached Stage 3 in July 2017. Since that time, there has been extensive thought and lengthy discussion about various alternatives.
In the end, this thought process and continued community engagement led to renewed consensus on the proposal in this repository. Based on that consensus, implementations are moving forward on this proposal.


What is the underscore _ in JavaScript?

This is convention of private methods and variables. In JavaScript there is no real privacy of classes.

It means that you should not use these method (starting with "_") out of your object. Of course technically you can, but "_" means that you should not.

In Javascript, what does this underscore mean?

It means private fields or private methods. Methods that are only for internal use.

They should not be invoked outside of the class.

Private fields contain data for internal use.

They should not be read or written into (directly) from outside of the class.

Note: It is very important to note that just adding an underscore to a variable does not make it private, it is only a naming convention.

What does an underscore before a function denote?

Typically it's a marker for indicating that a function is to be considered 'private'. Private can mean a few different things depending on context, such as:

  • This function should not be called outside of the file.
  • This method of the class should only be called by other methods of this class.

It also typically means that as a user of the library, you should not rely on these methods to not change between minor versions. They are not a public API.

Furthermore, some tooling will pick up on the underscore and not consider it when for example automatically generating documentation.

This is 100% convention, so nothing prevents you from actually using this.

What is the meaning of single and double underscore before an object name?

Single Underscore

In a class, names with a leading underscore indicate to other programmers that the attribute or method is intended to be be used inside that class. However, privacy is not enforced in any way.
Using leading underscores for functions in a module indicates it should not be imported from somewhere else.

From the PEP-8 style guide:

_single_leading_underscore: weak "internal use" indicator. E.g. from M import * does not import objects whose name starts with an underscore.

Double Underscore (Name Mangling)

From the Python docs:

Any identifier of the form __spam (at least two leading underscores, at most one trailing underscore) is textually replaced with _classname__spam, where classname is the current class name with leading underscore(s) stripped. This mangling is done without regard to the syntactic position of the identifier, so it can be used to define class-private instance and class variables, methods, variables stored in globals, and even variables stored in instances. private to this class on instances of other classes.

And a warning from the same page:

Name mangling is intended to give classes an easy way to define “private” instance variables and methods, without having to worry about instance variables defined by derived classes, or mucking with instance variables by code outside the class. Note that the mangling rules are designed mostly to avoid accidents; it still is possible for a determined soul to access or modify a variable that is considered private.


>>> class MyClass():
... def __init__(self):
... self.__superprivate = "Hello"
... self._semiprivate = ", world!"
>>> mc = MyClass()
>>> print mc.__superprivate
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: myClass instance has no attribute '__superprivate'
>>> print mc._semiprivate
, world!
>>> print mc.__dict__
{'_MyClass__superprivate': 'Hello', '_semiprivate': ', world!'}

Naming Conventions in C# - underscores

A good article to read on the development of C# style guidelines is here at C# coding conventions.

The original guidance for .NET was to never use underscores unless they were part of a private member variable, and then only as a prefix, e.g. _customerId. This was probably inherited from MFC where 'm_' was used as a prefix for member variables.

Current practice is not to use underscores at all. Disambiguation between private member variables and parameters with the same name should done using 'this.'. In fact all references to private members should be prefixed with 'this.'.

The only place underscore seems to be used a lot is in unit test methods. I'm not a fan, but it may make the methods more readable, for example Throw_If_Customer_Is_Null(){...}.

Typescript : underscore convention for members

Just name your private variables as you want but don't use _. You could create your own standard and stick to it.

Setters and getters are like any other functions so you can follow the method naming convention.

Do not use "_" as a prefix for private properties.

Use whole words in names when possible.

This is a subjective opinion, feel free to use _ if you must.

Edit: $ can be used to prefix variable names. In my everyday use case I use it in prefixing observable (rxJS) variables.


In the case where you have getters then you can use _ to name the field to avoid name conflict.

_Underscores in Function Names

In C++ world, member names that start with underscore are reserved for use by compiler (or low level STL like API) developers. It's not prohibited by compilers in any way, but that's the tradition.

This wiki link is quite informative on underscore.

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