Json.Stringify Without Quotes on Properties

JSON.stringify key without quotes

It sounds like you are looking for a data-serialization format that is human-readable and version-control-friendly but not as strict about quotes as JSON.

Such formats include:

  • Relaxed JSON (RJSON) (simple keys and simple values generally do not require quotes)
  • Hjson (simple keys and simple values generally do not require quotes)
  • YAML (keys and values generally do not require quotes)
  • JavaScript object literal (also printed out by many implementations of "console.dir()" when passed a JavaScript object; simple keys generally not required to be quoted, but string values must be quoted by either single quotes or double quotes)

for completeness:

JSON (requires double-quotes around keys, also called property names, and requires double-quotes around string data values).

JSON.stringify object with keys without the quotes in subobject

Actually what I needed was easily achievable. All I had to do is to add replace to my return statement in the function

return JSON.stringify(file_data).replace(/"(\w+)"\s*:/g, '$1:');

JSON property value without quote

In JSON, double quotes " around values indicate strings. Non-strings are not delimited with "s. Numbers have no delimiters, and the total property getter, when invoked (by JSON.stringify) returns a number, so the resulting JSON does not surround the total value with quotes.

how to create a javascript object without double quotes on the property value

Well I think don't use stringify that solve your problem try it as it is.

JSON Object With or Without Quotes

You are creating a Javascript Object. If you want a JSON-string from it, use JSON.stringify.


const myObj = {mykey: "my value"};
const myObjJSON = JSON.stringify(myObj);

Based on comments:
There is no such thing as a JSON Object. There are JSON-strings, which can be parsed to Javascript Objects. Javascript Objects can be stringified to JSON strings. Within a JSON-string keys and values are quoted. So the result of the above is a string containing '{"mykey":"my value"}'.

Try parsing myObjJSON in your browser console (using: JSON.parse(myObjJSON)) and you get: Object {mykey: "my value"}.

Convert Object to string in javascript without the quotes in key

This code is taken from this answer.

There is a regex solution that is simpler but it has a shortcoming that is inherent to regex. For some edge cases in complex and nested objects it does not work.

const data = {a: "b", "b": "c",              c: {a: "b", "c": "d"}}
function stringify(obj_from_json){ if(typeof obj_from_json !== "object" || Array.isArray(obj_from_json)){ // not an object, stringify using native function return JSON.stringify(obj_from_json); } // Implements recursive object serialization according to JSON spec // but without quotes around the keys. let props = Object .keys(obj_from_json) .map(key => `${key}:${stringify(obj_from_json[key])}`) .join(","); return `{${props}}`;}

json stringify failing when value is without double quotes

The JSON spec outlines what you're seeing as standard behavior and I'd recommend that you operate on the number as a number instead of a string.

If you need to modify this for some reason, you can use a "replacer" function as shown in the JSON.stringify spec.

var numbersAsStringsJSON = JSON.stringify(myData, replacer);

function replacer(key, value) {
if (typeof value === "number") { return String(value); }
else { return value; }

See JSFiddle for working example.

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