How to Get the Latest and Oldest Record in Mongoose.Js (Or Just the Timespan Between Them)

How to get the latest and oldest record in mongoose.js (or just the timespan between them)

Mongoose 3.x is complaining about the [] parameter in your findOne calls as the array format is no longer supported for the parameter that selects the fields to include.

Try this instead to find the newest:

Tweet.findOne({}, {}, { sort: { 'created_at' : -1 } }, function(err, post) {
console.log( post );

Change the -1 to a 1 to find the oldest.

But because you're not using any field selection, it's somewhat cleaner to chain a couple calls together:

Tweet.findOne().sort({created_at: -1}).exec(function(err, post) { ... });

Or even pass a string to sort:

Tweet.findOne().sort('-created_at').exec(function(err, post) { ... });

Find two latest and oldest documents which containing specific field values

You can try aggregate(),

  • $match your conditions
  • $facet to separate results, first is latest and second is oldest
  • $sort by timestamp in descending order
  • $group by slaveId and get $first document in latest and $last document in oldest
  • $limit` to get single document
const latestPGStats = await PGStat.aggregate([
$match: {
deviceId: { $in: deviceIds },
timestamp: { $lte: endTimestamp, $gte: startTimestamp }
{ $sort: { timestamp: -1 } },
$facet: {
latest: [
$group: {
_id: "$slaveId",
root: { $first: "$$ROOT" }
{ $limit: 1 }
oldest: [
$group: {
_id: "$slaveId",
root: { $last: "$$ROOT" }
{ $limit: 1 }

Mongoose: How to get latest collection data?

I found out my problem after searching Stackoverflow.

The problem was fixed by removing , { sort: { _id: -1 }, limit: 1 }); and adding .sort.({"_id": -1}) to the end of my closing brackets!

Thanks for trying to answer my problem guys!

Displaying only the most recent mongoose timestamp?

If you want to display the most recent updateAt after the table, assign it to a variable during the loop, and display it later. Assuming updateAt is numeric, that might look like

<%= newest = Math.max(newest, environment.updatedAt) =>

If you want the most recent time to be displayed first, or in each row, one option is to find the newest with reduce like

<%=  environments.reduce(function(a,v){return Math.max(a,v.updatedAt)},0) =>

Or you could sort the query by updateAt: -1 when retrieving the data so the newest is the first element.

Get X records from 24 hours ago Mongoose

You can use limit and sort functions along with find

const pricesnow = await Prices.find({
currency_id: {
$in: [], // replace with currency array
createdAt: { $gt: new Date( - 86400000) },
.sort({ createdAt: -1 })

In mongo how to get the current position of the record in the table with the total records for pagination?

you can try this module mongoose-paginate

here what i uses, for pagination,

var current = req.query.filter.current;
var limit = req.query.filter.limit;
var skip = Number(limit)*Number(current)-Number(limit);
Cours.find({'attributes.version.status': true}).skip(skip).limit(limit).sort({_id:'asc'}).exec(function (err, resulta) {
if (err) {
console.log('erreur trouverCours');
protecteds: err
console.log('cours ::', resulta);
"data": resulta

MongoDB: Get latest 10 items in different data model?

Question 1 : If you are saving articles and tweets into separate collections, you'll either have to do application-side joining or use $lookup operator, which will not work if you have sharded collections. I tend to avoid operators that have that limitation.

Question 2 : I don't work with SQL, can't help you there.

Question 3 : Saving everything into a single collection will definitely fit MongoDB philosophy more. MongoDB should be fast at retrieving, although slower in inserts and updates. Doing either application-side joining or having to use $lookup kind of throw its ability to embed documents out of the windows.

As for your data model, here's my take. I used java driver and I used to have a custom deserializer/serializer to handle the document to POJO mapping. I believe it's natively supported in Mongo Java Driver 3.5, not sure if it's there for Mongoose already. In any case, you may define a Model/Object that contains all fields in both models, it'll then serialize accordingly, regardless which type you're fetching from DB using method 2. The model will get a little messy as you add more fields though, so some clever naming might be necessary

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