Uiscrollview Not Scrolling Regardless of Large Contentsize

UIScrollView not scrolling regardless of large contentSize

Turning Auto Layout off works, but that's not the solution. If you really need Auto Layout, then use it, if you don't need it, turn it off. But that is not the correct fix for this solution.

UIScrollView works differently with other views in Auto Layout. Here is Apple's release note on Auto Layout, I've copied the interesting bit (emphasis mine, at third bullet point):

Here are some notes regarding Auto Layout support for UIScrollView:

  • In general, Auto Layout considers the top, left, bottom, and right edges of a view to be the visible edges. That is, if you pin a view to
    the left edge of its superview, you’re really pinning it to the
    minimum x-value of the superview’s bounds. Changing the bounds origin
    of the superview does not change the position of the view.
  • The UIScrollView class scrolls its content by changing the origin of its bounds. To make this work with Auto Layout, the top, left, bottom,
    and right edges within a scroll view now mean the edges of its content
  • The constraints on the subviews of the scroll view must result in a size to fill, which is then interpreted as the content size of the
    scroll view. (This should not be confused with the
    intrinsicContentSize method used for Auto Layout.) To size the scroll
    view’s frame with Auto Layout, constraints must either be explicit
    regarding the width and height of the scroll view, or the edges of the
    scroll view must be tied to views outside of its subtree.
  • Note that you can make a subview of the scroll view appear to float (not scroll) over the other scrolling content by creating constraints
    between the view and a view outside the scroll view’s subtree, such as
    the scroll view’s superview.

Apple then goes on to show example of how to correctly use UIScrollView with Auto Layout.

As a general rule, one of the easiest fix is to create a constraint between the element to the bottom of the UIScrollView. So in the element that you want to be at the bottom of the UIScrollView, create this bottom space constraint:

Sample Image

Once again, if you do not want to use Auto Layout, then turn it off. You can then set the contentSize the usual way. But what you should understand is that this is an intended behaviour of Auto Layout.

UIScrollView not scrolling

It's always good to show a complete working code snippet:

// in viewDidLoad (if using Autolayout check note below):

UIScrollView *myScrollView;
UIView *contentView;
// scrollview won't scroll unless content size explicitly set

[myScrollView addSubview:contentView];//if the contentView is not already inside your scrollview in your xib/StoryBoard doc

myScrollView.contentSize = contentView.frame.size; //sets ScrollView content size

Swift 4.0

let myScrollView
let contentView

// scrollview won't scroll unless content size explicitly set

myScrollView.addSubview(contentView)//if the contentView is not already inside your scrollview in your xib/StoryBoard doc

myScrollView.contentSize = contentView.frame.size //sets ScrollView content size

I have not found a way to set contentSize in IB (as of Xcode 5.0).

If you are using Autolayout the best place to put this code is inside the -(void)viewDidLayoutSubviews method .

UIScrollView not scrolling no matter what I try

I'm surprised Interface Builder isn't showing a Constraints error or warning...

When using auto-layout, the contents of the scroll view define the contentSize. That means the contents (in your case, a single UIView holding 3 smaller UIViews) must have a constraint to the Top, Leading, Trailing and Bottom of its superview (the scroll view)... and it must have a Height and Width.

In your storyboard, delete the "Center Vertically" constraint, and add a Height constraint (of 1000) to the "content" view. Then delete your scrollView.contentSize = ... line from code. Run the app, and you should have no problem scrolling.

UIScrollView Not Scrolling?

  1. viewDidLoad is to soon. You must wait until after the layout of the views has taken place. Try setting the contentSize in viewDidAppear.

  2. Are you using autolayout? If so, check out the following answer (and forget 1.):
    UIScrollView doesn't use autolayout constraints.

UIScrollView not scrolling although contentSize is smaller than UIImageView

That's because that your size of bounds of scroll view is larger than your content size.
The content size need to be the actual size of image view, and the visible size is set by frame / bounds. I guess you want to scroll a image in a {200, 200} sized rect?
Try this:

        UIScrollView * imgScrollView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 200, 200)]; // this is your visible rect
[imgScrollView setScrollEnabled:YES];
[imgScrollView setClipsToBounds:YES];
[imgScrollView addSubview:imgView];
[imgScrollView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor yellowColor]];

[imgScrollView setContentSize:imgFrame.size]; // this is your image view size

UIScrollView contentSize not working

I had the same problem. Auto Layout for UIScrollView is messed up.

Work around: Put everything in the UIScrollView into another UIView, and put that UIView as the only child of the UIScrollView. Then you can use Auto Layout.

If things near the end is messed up (the end of whichever direction your UIScrollView scrolls), change the constraint at the end to have the lowest possible priority.

UIScrollView not scrolling at all

If you are using paging then use

self.scrollV.contentSize = CGSizeMake(self.scrollV.frame.size.width *kNumberOfPages, 220);
self.scrollV.showsHorizontalScrollIndicator = NO;
self.scrollV.showsVerticalScrollIndicator = NO;
self.scrollV.scrollsToTop = NO;
self.scrollV.delegate = self;

Here you can use number of pages to show.But before this please set delegate UIScrollViewDelegate of UIScroll view to that class. Please also check autolayout in your view too.

Hope this helps.

UIScrollView not scrolling to bottom in iOS 7

So I figured out a pretty unsatisfying solution rather quickly by wrapping the call in an async dispatch block.

// Scroll to bottom.
CGPoint bottomOffset = CGPointMake(0, self.contentView.contentSize.height
- self.contentView.bounds.size.height);
if (bottomOffset.y >= 0.0)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.contentView setContentOffset:bottomOffset animated:YES];

If anyone understands what is really causing the problem and can provide a better solution I'd gladly accept that as the answer, but for everyone else dealing with the same issue hopefully this works for you as well.

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