Will Apps That Use Telprompt Be Rejected

Will apps that use telprompt be rejected

You may want to have a look at handleopenurl.com an index for iOS URL schemes.

I do not know telprompt. Why not just use tel://10086?

telprompt VS tel and app approval

Since the telprompt is not official Apple may remove at in future version with out notice. So even if they approve your app you may still run into trouble later on.

Validate if call was made after telprompt

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(called:) name:@"UIApplicationSuspendedNotification" object:nil];

-(void)called:(NSNotification *) notification
NSLog(@"Tapped Call button");

if Call button was tapped then application will be terminated and go into background so just add an observer for the UIApplicationSuspendedNotification notification.

telprompt without alert

you can make a call using bellow code:-

NSString *value =@"9999999999";//your telnumber
NSURL *url = [[ NSURL alloc ] initWithString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"tel://%@",value]];

NSLog(@"currunt number%@",url);
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url];

Cocoa - Return to native app after openURL

You want to use IPC (inter process communication), which is a bit odd in iOS apps: You need to register a protocol handler in your app and place a link in the HTML page you're displaying with openURL. E.g. your link could start with something like "myapp://" instead of "http://".

Look here: http://mobileorchard.com/apple-approved-iphone-inter-process-communication/

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