How to Loop Video with Avplayerlooper

How to loop video with AVPlayerLooper

I fixed the problem myself.

The playerLooper must be a member variable in the class otherwise it doesn't work because a local variable is gone after the method has been called. So I put this line at the beginning of the class to declare it. I didn't declare it as an AVPlayerLooper because this is only for tvos10.0 and newer versions. I want my class to be adaptive to tvos9.0.
This is my working code.

var playerLooper: NSObject?
var playerLayer:AVPlayerLayer!
var queuePlayer: AVQueuePlayer?

func playVideo(_ filmName: String){
if let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: filmName, ofType: "mov") {
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)

if #available(tvOS 10.0, *) {

// Use a new player looper with the queue player and template item
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(url: url as URL)
self.player = AVQueuePlayer(items: [playerItem])
self.playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: self.player)
self.playerLooper = AVPlayerLooper(player: self.player! as! AVQueuePlayer, templateItem: playerItem)
self.playerLayer?.frame = self.view.frame

} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions, this solution has hicup at end
player = AVPlayer(url: url)


func loopVideo(_ videoPlayer: AVPlayer) {
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: NSNotification.Name.AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime, object: nil, queue: nil) { notification in
if(!self.isStopped){ kCMTimeZero)


AVPlayerLoop not seamlessly looping - Swift 4

One thing to to keep in mind when looping assets is that audio and video tracks can have different offsets and different durations, resulting in 'blips' when looping. Such small differences are quite common in recorded assets.

Iterating over the tracks and printing the time ranges can help to detect such situations: for track in asset.tracks { print( track.mediaType); CMTimeRangeShow( track.timeRange); }

To trim audio and video tracks to equal start times and equal durations, get the common time range of the tracks, and then insert this time range from the original asset into a new AVMutableComposition. Normally, you also want to preserve properties like the orientation of the video track:

let asset: AVAsset = (your asset initialization here)

let videoTrack: AVAssetTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: .video).first!
let audioTrack: AVAssetTrack = asset.tracks(withMediaType: .audio).first!

// calculate common time range of audio and video track
let timeRange: CMTimeRange = CMTimeRangeGetIntersection( (videoTrack.timeRange), (audioTrack.timeRange))

let composition: AVMutableComposition = AVMutableComposition()

try composition.insertTimeRange(timeRange, of: asset, at: kCMTimeZero)

// preserve orientation
composition.tracks(withMediaType: .video).first!.preferredTransform = videoTrack.preferredTransform

Since AVMutableComposition is a subclass of AVAsset, it can be used for AVPlayerLooper-based looping playback, or exporting with AVAssetExportSession.

I've put a more complete trimming implementation on github: It's more robust, handles multiple tracks, preserves more properties and can either be easily integrated in projects or be build as a standalone macOS command line movie trimming utility.

AVPlayerLooper doesn't loop through multiple videos

After finding the solution that had been previously answered and posting it in the comments, @andy asked me to post it as a solution. HERE is the previous answer by Harish that solved his problem.

Looping a video with AVFoundation AVPlayer?

You can get a Notification when the player ends. Check AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTimeNotification

When setting up the player:


  avPlayer.actionAtItemEnd = AVPlayerActionAtItemEndNone; 

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
object:[avPlayer currentItem]];

this will prevent the player to pause at the end.

in the notification:

- (void)playerItemDidReachEnd:(NSNotification *)notification {
AVPlayerItem *p = [notification object];
[p seekToTime:kCMTimeZero];

this will rewind the movie.

Don't forget un unregister the notification when releasing the player.


avPlayer?.actionAtItemEnd = .none

selector: #selector(playerItemDidReachEnd(notification:)),
name: .AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime,
object: avPlayer?.currentItem)

@objc func playerItemDidReachEnd(notification: Notification) {
if let playerItem = notification.object as? AVPlayerItem { kCMTimeZero)

Swift 4+

@objc func playerItemDidReachEnd(notification: Notification) {
if let playerItem = notification.object as? AVPlayerItem {, completionHandler: nil)

Issue looping video non-stop | Swift

You could use the AVPlayerLooper and AVQueuePlayer to loop your media. The trick here is that you need the reference to AVPlayerLooper as an instance variable.

class ViewController: UIViewController {

var playerLooper: AVPlayerLooper! // needs to be defined here

func playVideo() {
guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "intro", ofType: "mp4") else {

let asset: AVAsset = AVAsset(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: path))
let playerItem = AVPlayerItem(asset: asset)
let queuePlayer = AVQueuePlayer(playerItem: playerItem)

self.playerLooper = AVPlayerLooper(player: queuePlayer, templateItem: playerItem)
let playerLayer = AVPlayerLayer(player: queuePlayer)
playerLayer.frame = self.view.bounds
playerLayer.videoGravity = .resizeAspectFill

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