iOS 10 - App Crashes to Access Photo Library or Device Camera via Uiimagepickercontroller

iOS 10 - App crashes To access photo library or device camera via UIImagePickerController

In iOS 10. You have to set privacy Setting for Camera & Photo Library.

Camera :

Key       :  Privacy - Camera Usage Description   
Value : $(PRODUCT_NAME) camera use

Photo Library:

Key       :  Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description    
Value : $(PRODUCT_NAME) photo use

UIImagePickerController crashes on iOS10

I solved the crash by updating to the latest Xcode version.
The problem has been discussed here as well:

Swift iOS -UIImagePicker's Photo Library Is Presented On Simulator But Crashes (won't present) On Actual Device While Running Xcode

Ash Furrow helped me out with this as it was a very non obvious problem and possibly an api bug. I posted pics for people unfamiliar with the process to resolve it.

It turns out inside the Breakpoint Navigator I had All Exceptions activated. For some reason when my app was hooked up to Xcode and the UIImagePicker was presenting the photo library, the All Exceptions breakpoint was triggered and there was a slight delay that caused the app to crash. The delay was milliseconds but it was long enough that the app thought that there was a problem. Ash said he never saw anything like that before and said there was possibly a corrupted jpg photo in my photo library but then again it was a wild guess. The simple solution was to deactivate or delete the All Exceptions breakpoint and the problem was resolved. He did say it was possibly an api problem because it was still causing a very odd crash.

It should be noted that he said that All Exceptions break point is good to keep activated because it will find exceptions earlier then later. I forgot his explanation in detail but basically it's best to keep it on and if you run into this problem just deactivate it.

Steps to resolve the UIImagePicker library presentation crash by deactivating the All Exceptions breakpoint:

  1. On the left side of the screen in the navigation pane, the 7th icon from the left that looks like an arrow is the Breakpoint Navigator

Breakpoint Navigator

  1. The All Exceptions breakpoint is activated/highlighted to blue
    All Exception Activated

  2. To deactivate the ALL Exceptions either click the highlighted blue arrow or right click on the word All Exceptions itself and from the list either choose Disable or Delete

Options to deselect the All Exception breakpoint

  1. Assuming you either choose Disable or you click the blue arrow, it will be deactivated

All Exception Deactivated

  1. Obviously if you choose delete it will be erased form the Breakpoint navigator but if you want to add it again (or if you never had it to begin with) then you still have to be inside the Breakpoint Navigator (step 1) and in the lower left corner of the pane you press the plus button and choose Exception Breakpoint to add it.

Plust button in at the bottom of the pane on the left side

Sample Image

UIImagePickerController crashes app | Swift3, Xcode8

Add this key to your info.plist,

Key : Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description [ NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription ]
String Value : We need access to your camera roll and photo library, so that we can do operations on it. [ Customise it in your own way]

That's it, Clean & Run the project.

Sample Image

iOS 10 error [access] private when using UIImagePickerController

You may need to put the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription in your plist.

<string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) uses photos</string>

Check all the usage descriptions here.

ios 10 app crashes when accessing camera

Your privacy key value contains $(PRODUCT_NAME), which appears to be the reason that this error (only for iOS 10+) appears.

Change your privacy key value to a pure string like "Used to capture new image for photo effect" and it should correct it.

UIImagePickerController crashes when using PhotoLibrary as source

After hours of investigation and tryout, I am confirmed that it is caused by a third-party framework integrated to the app: even that empty app crashes with UIImagePickerController if I link that framework there.

Thank you for the help!

Using device CAMERA ON IOS 10 causes the application to be terminated

I Solved This issue:-
Go to info.plist - Your Xcode bundle
Click the "+" and go down the resulting list until you see "Privacy - Camera Usage Description". Add this item to by clicking it inside that list.

Key :- Privacy - Camera Usage Description
Type :- string
Value :- empty - Don't enter anything

Just clean xcode project and run it ... it's worked for me.

Frequently Camera capture crashing the app without any clue

Its an iPhone OS issue. I also submitted a report regarding this issue. Same code will run fine in iPad. Report a bug and submit your project.

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