Xcode 7 Crash: [Nslocalizablestring Length] 30000

iOS 9 Segue Causes App To Freeze (no crash or error thrown)

So basically the segue was freezing because of the UITextView's I was using in the destinationViewController. The following fixed the issue:

  • Delete all UITextView's
  • Add new UITextView's

    • you must leave the default lorem imposed text and change this programmatically in the viewDidLoad()

This was the fix for me, and from the research I have done on the issue it seems this is a bug in iOS 9 and Xcode 7.


NOTE: Removing the text in the UITextView (or making it longer then ~12 characters) is sufficient to work around it, no need to delete and recreate them. This is fixed in Xcode 7.1.1 and later.

After updating Xcode to IOS 9, app stucks on splashscreen and initial viewcontroller is not loaded

Ok, so in the end the problem was a "too small" text in a textview below an imageview. Why the text was too small, or what "too small" means, no clue. Except that in this particular case it was 10 characters.

The Solution

I changed the initial text of each textview to a string with at least 10 characters. And I change the text after loading the view programatically to the text I want. This works as expected and the view loads.

I will try to file it as a bug to apple, because this can never be the correct behaviour. Thank you all for giving advice in this matter.

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