Load a .Tmx (Tiled Map) in Sprite Kit

Load a .tmx (Tiled Map) in Sprite Kit?

Check out TilemapKit for Sprite Kit. Unlike other solutions it loads and renders all (!) map types and variations supported by Tiled, including staggered iso and hex maps!

TilemapKit is properly engineered like a OOP framework should be, and exposes all data that is stored in the TMX file. In other words it's definitely not just a single class that got everything crammed into it.

Tile picking (point to coord, coord to point conversion) for all map types/variations is built-in. More awesome features on the way, review the roadmap and check out the Class Reference.

TilemapKit is also tested to be fully compatible with Swift and Mac apps, too.

Visit the TilemapKit forum if you have any questions or requests. I'm also posting frequent development reports so you can check what's coming up next.

Disclaimer: If it isn't obvious by now, I'm one of the TilemapKit developers. :)

Fail to see a TMX Map using SpriteKit and JSTileMap

The problem is the @2x on your images. This indicates to SpriteKit that your image is working off of points, not pixels and loads your image as such. The TMX map format works in pixels, not points, and this throws off the expected math. You can verify this by putting a breakpoint in the setSourceImage: method and looking at the _imageSize variable -- it's cut in half when using the @2x suffix.

Remove the @2x from your images (both in your Xcode project and the TMX map XML) and you should be good to go.

Note that I had to clean once these changes were made to see them reflected in the iPhone simulator.

Sprite Kit : Most efficient way to load a big map (like Limbo/Mario)

You should use a Tile Map for that. It's much faster than loading and drawing the entire map. This tutorial explains how to do that. (Scroll down to "Loading the TMXTiledMap".)

Proper & efficient way of affecting specific tiles in a tiled map

You could try a recursive function with input parameters that indicate the tiles to operate on and depth of recursion and output would be an array of tiles to highlight. So the initial call to the function would include the start tile and depth, then subsequent calls would pass in the adjacent tiles and the depth - 1. When depth reaches 0 you can just return the tiles array and append it to the previous invocation.

This is a draft example. You'll need to provide your own implementation for getAdjacentTiles and FABTile is your custom tile.

- (NSArray *)tilesToHighlight:(FABTile *)tile withDepth:(int)depth {
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
if (depth == 0) {
return result;

NSArray *adjacentTiles = [self getAdjacentTiles:tile];
for (FABTile *adjacentTile in adjacentTiles) {
if (![result containsObject:adjacentTile]) {
[result addObject:adjacentTile];
NSArray *tilesToHighlight = [self tilesToHighlight:adjacentTile withDepth:depth - 1];
for (FABTile *tileToHighlight in tilesToHighlight) {
if (![result containsObject:tileToHighlight]) {
[result addObject:tileToHighlight];

return result;

Call the method like this.

NSArray *tilesToHighlight = [self tilesToHighlight:startTile withDepth:2];

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