CSS Get Height of Screen Resolution

CSS get height of screen resolution

It is not possible to get the height of the screen from CSS. However, using since CSS3 you can use media queries to control the display of the template as per the resolution.

If you want to code on the basis of height using media queries, you can define style-sheet and call it like this.

<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (device-height: 600px)" />

css: How to get screen height in css?

You can't "get" the viewport height as such, in the way that you can with JS to store it in a variable, but you can use it in calc() to change the height of elements. For example, height: calc( 100vh - 50px ); which would equate to "the window height less 50px".

How to get the size of the viewport in CSS?

Consider using viewports. In CSS, viewports are specified as vw or vh (viewport width and viewport height respectively).

So, If you wanted something to be the height of the browser window, you would say height: 100vh, which effectively means 100% of the viewport height.

CSS: How to set the width and height dependent on the screen/window size?

There are units displaying elements depending to the screen : vh and vw

vh : means viewport height.

ie : height:50vh; will take 50% height of the screen ( and not of the parent element ).

vw : means viewport width.

ie : width:50vw; will take 50% width of the screen ( and not of the parent element ).

How to specify max-height css property to Screen size

Scroll bar appears only when content is overflown.

If max-height of your inner div is equal to the height of its container, scroll bar will never appear. if you want to see scroll bar use this.

.scrollDiv {

How to set variable height based on various screen resolutions using css and javascript