CSS for Grabbing Cursors (Drag & Drop)

CSS for grabbing cursors (drag & drop)

I think move would probably be the closest standard cursor value for what you're doing:


Indicates something is to be moved.

Custom cursor with drag and drop an HTML element without libraries

It seems that browsers don't allow changing the cursor at the beginning of a drag & drop operation. I don't know why but it's a known issue, I believe they will in the future.

If jQuery is not an option, a possible way around is to implement a drag & drop from scratch, using mouse events and cloning the source element:

var onDragStart = function (event) {  event.preventDefault();  var clone = event.target.cloneNode(true);  clone.classList.add("dragging");  event.target.parentNode.appendChild(clone);  var style = getComputedStyle(clone);  clone.drag = {    x: (event.pageX||(event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft)) - clone.offsetLeft + parseInt(style.marginLeft),    y: (event.pageY||(event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop)) - clone.offsetTop + parseInt(style.marginTop),    source: event.target  };};
var onDragMove = function (event) { if (!event.target.drag) {return;} event.target.style.left = ((event.pageX||(event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft)) - event.target.drag.x) + "px"; event.target.style.top = ((event.pageY||(event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop)) - event.target.drag.y) + "px";};
var onDragEnd = function (event) { if (!event.target.drag) {return;} // Define persist true to let the source persist and drop the target, otherwise persist the target. var persist = true; if (persist || event.out) { event.target.parentNode.removeChild(event.target); } else { event.target.parentNode.removeChild(event.target.drag.source); } event.target.classList.remove("dragging"); event.target.drag = null;};
var onDragOver = function (event) { event.preventDefault();};
.dropzone {  width: 500px;  height: 200px;  background-color: silver;}
.block { position: absolute; background-color: pink; margin: 10px; border: 20px solid pink;}
.draggable { position: absolute; cursor: pointer; /* IE */ cursor: -webkit-grab; cursor: grab;}
.dragging { cursor: -webkit-grabbing; cursor: grabbing; background-color: red;}
<div class="dropzone" onmouseover="onDragOver(event);">  Grab and drag block around  <div class    = "draggable block"    onmousedown = "onDragStart(event);"    onmousemove = "onDragMove(event);"    onmouseup   = "onDragEnd(event);"    onmouseout  = "event.out = true; onDragEnd(event);"  >    I'm draggable  </div></div>

How can I change the cursor when dragging? Material CDK Drag and Drop

Just add cursor: grabbing to your example-box:active

.example-box:active {
box-shadow: 0 5px 5px -3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2),
0 8px 10px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14),
0 3px 14px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
cursor: grabbing;

The :active selector is used to select and style the active link.

A link becomes active when you click on it.

Tip: The :active selector can be used on all elements, not only links.

Additional information here




Drag and drop cursor changes in safari and chrome while dragging

Try setting user-select: none on the .dragHere div

If that doesn't work: chrome sets cursor to text while dragging, why?

or: Safari. Wrong cursor when dragging

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