Are CSS3 ::Before and ::After Pseudo Elements Supported by IE9 or Not

Are CSS3 ::before and ::after pseudo elements supported by IE9 or not?

The CSS2 pseudo-elements :before and :after, with the traditional single-colon notation, are supported by IE8 and later. They are not new to CSS3.

The double-colon notation, on the other hand, is new to CSS3. IE9 does support this new notation for ::before and ::after, and likewise for the CSS1 pseudo-elements ::first-line and ::first-letter. Going forward, however, no new pseudo-element may use the single colon syntax, and browsers (including IE) are expected to support the double colon syntax for all pseudo-elements.

I have no clue why that table says IE9 doesn't support the new pseudo-element syntax, because it certainly does according to the docs for the individual selectors linked above, and your test case. As well as, of course, this answer.

How to target ::before and ::after pseudo elements in Internet Explorer 9 Developer Tools?

Quoting from another answer:

IE 9 supports the notations ::after and ::before (with two colons) in “standards mode”. In “quirks mode”, it does not.

So the only possible reason would be for something in you code to have activated the “quirks mode”

internet explorer 9 ignores before pseudo element

Check the doctype. On jsfiddle, this works fine in IE9: IE8 should handle this as well.

CSS3 IE9 click through pseudo-element?

Use a second select with zero opacity:

    <!DOCTYPE html>    <html>      <head>        <style>          #real { position: absolute; clip:rect(2px 51px 19px 2px); z-index:2; }          #fake { position: absolute; opacity: 0; }                    body > span { display:block; position: relative; width: 64px; height: 21px; background: url( right 1px no-repeat; }        </style>      </head>      <span>        <select id="real">          <option value="">Alpha</option>          <option value="">Beta</option>          <option value="">Charlie</option>        </select>        <select id="fake">          <option value="">Alpha</option>          <option value="">Beta</option>          <option value="">Charlie</option>        </select>      </span>    </html>

CSS :after pseudo element doesn't work inside button in any IE version

You need to add overflow: visible to button.

<button>A button</button>

button {
position: relative;
overflow: visible;

button:after {
content: "Can u see me?";
position: absolute;
right: -100px;
top: 0;

IE must set it to hidden by default on buttons.

:after and :before CSS pseudo elements hack for Internet Explorer 7

with any pure CSS hack it's not possible.

Use IE8.js

It has support for this.

test page also there

after -

before -

Edit after 1st comment

You can just keep this js for IE6 and 7. other browser will not read it.

<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<script src=""></script>

And if you are already using jQuery in your project than you can use this plugin

jQuery Pseudo Plugin

IE not displaying SVG as content in a pseudo element :before or :after

I have tested it with IE 11 and I am able to produce the issue. It seems that the pseudo-elements content attribute do not currently work on SVG elements. It can be possible that it is some kind of bug or it is IE browser default behavior. I will try to submit the feedback regarding this issue.

As a workaround, I suggest you display the svg content using background-image attribute, like this:

.div1:after {
content: '';
display: block;
height: 80px;
width: 80px;
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml,;
<div class="div1" style="background-color:green; width:80px;height:80px"></div>

The result in IE 11 browser as below:

Sample Image


I am not able to use my svg with background-image property whereas
your svg is loading with the property. Is there any problem with my

When we use SVG with background-image property, we should ensure that reserved URL characters are encoded (e.g. < === %3C and > === %3E) and also replace the space with '%20'.

So, please encode your svg element as below:

background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml,;

Then, the result like this:

Sample Image

Css pseudo-element ::before(2); :before and ::before

The CSS spec on content describes all three syntaxes.

  • :before -- outdated syntax for pseudo elements. Use if older browser support is needed such as IE8. IE9 supports the new syntax. It also seems like iOS Safari does not support the new syntax
  • ::before -- new pseudo element syntax. This is equivalent to ::before(1)
  • ::before(n) -- used to create multiple before elements that can be before other ::befores. Details are in the same spec.
  • As far as I can tell, no browser supports this.

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