Bootstrap Drop Down Cutting Off

Bootstrap drop down cutting off

Check whether media class is has overflow:hidden. If so, replace it with overflow: auto or overflow: visible.

Dropdown menu is cutting off in jquery ui modal dialog

Answering my own question since got it working and this could be helpful to others in the future.

jquery.ui.dialog creates a wrapper .ui-dialog around the element you want to make as a dialog.

You'd need the both, your dialog element and the jquery.ui dialog wrapper, to have overflow: visible set.

#myDialog {
overflow: visible;

CSS Drop down list being contained and cut off inside of div

Posting Comments:

  • I would tag Bootstap here for more responses.
  • I would post a smaller more specific section of your html.

Possible Answer to Question:

  • Instead of dropdown, try dropleft. I would also remove text-right from there as well unless you really want everything aligned right there.
  • If you still want it going right, outside of it's container, what iguypouf said in the comments is correct, remove overflow: hidden;.

Other Comments:

  • I would separate the workCards from the col-md-4 so instead of <div class="col-md-4 workCards">... it could be <div class="col-md-4"><section class="workCards">...
  • Consider replacing the <h1> you are using as the dropdown button with a <button> element. This will be far better for accessibility. If you still want the styling to be like an <h1> tag, Bootstrap has the class .h1 that will work.
  • With Bootstrap you could use <h2 class="text-center"> instead of <h2 style="text-align: center;">. Bootstrap has a ton of helpful helper classes.
  • You might consider renaming text-right as it is already an existing Bootstrap class. Additionally, you won't need it anymore if you replace the <h1> with a <button> (from the bullet point above.)
  • I would replace <b> tags with <strong> tags.
  • Everything from Organization Number: to Status: should probably be in it's own <div class="row">.
  • The final row with the work button does not need two empty col-md-4. Instead you could one col-md-4 and add class justify-content-end to the parent row. You could get rid of that <p> tag in there as well as it's not doing much.

Bootstrap dropdown - right side of the list gets cut off on Firefox

This issue will solve if you wrap your select field by a div element which width 98% like :

<div class="col-md-1">
<div style="width:98%">
<select name="unit" size="1" class="form-control unit" required>
<option value="kW">kW</option>
<option value="MW">MW</option>
<option value="GW">GW</option>
<option value="kWh">kWh</option>
<option value="MWh">MWh</option>
<option value="GWh">GWh</option>

Bootstrap 4: Dropdown menu is going off to the right of the screen

Bootstrap has this built in already: See Menu Alignment. Just add the dropdown-menu-right class to the dropdown-menu div.

<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right">

Working Example: (open Full Page)

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