Start a Fragment via Intent Within a Fragment

Start a fragment via Intent within a Fragment

You cannot open new fragments. Fragments need to be always hosted by an activity. If the fragment is in the same activity (eg tabs) then the back key navigation is going to be tricky I am assuming that you want to open a new screen with that fragment.

So you would simply create a new activity and put the new fragment in there. That activity would then react to the intent either explicitly via the activity class or implicitly via intent filters.

Using intent to call a fragment from another fragment

If all the fragments are within the same ViewPager and you just want to be navigated to that fragment then you dont need any Intents. all you need to is :

mViewPager.setCurrentItem(POSITION, true);

here POSITION is an integer.

Now the view pager is in Activity but the Button is inside Fragment so you need to do this create this method inside your activity

public void selectFragment(int position){
mViewPager.setCurrentItem(position, true);
// true is to animate the transaction

and call like this inside your OnClickListener:


Start an activity from a fragment

mFragmentFavorite in your code is a FragmentActivity which is not the same thing as a Fragment. That's why you're getting the type mismatch. Also, you should never call new on an Activity as that is not the proper way to start one.

If you want to start a new instance of mFragmentFavorite, you can do so via an Intent.

From a Fragment:

Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), mFragmentFavorite.class);

From an Activity

Intent intent = new Intent(this, mFragmentFavorite.class);

If you want to start aFavorite instead of mFragmentFavorite then you only need to change out their names in the created Intent.

Also, I recommend changing your class names to be more accurate. Calling something mFragmentFavorite is improper in that it's not a Fragment at all. Also, class declarations in Java typically start with a capital letter. You'd do well to name your class something like FavoriteActivity to be more accurate and conform to the language conventions. You will also need to rename the file to if you choose to do this since Java requires class names match the file name.


Also, it looks like you actually meant formFragmentFavorite to be a Fragment instead of a FragmentActivity based on your use of onCreateView. If you want mFragmentFavorite to be a Fragment then change the following line of code:

public class mFragmentFavorite extends FragmentActivity{

Make this instead read:

public class mFragmentFavorite extends Fragment {

Kotlin: open new Activity inside of a Fragment

Because Fragment is NOT of Context type, you'll need to call the parent Activity:

 val intent = Intent (getActivity(),

or maybe something like

val intent = Intent (it,

How to open fragment class through intent in another activity?


protected void onStart() {
displayView(getIntent().getIntExtra("position", 2));

Another Activity button listener:

btnWallet.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {

public void onClick(View v) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Intent mIntent=new Intent(this,SlidingScreenActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("position", 2);

How to start Fragment from an Activity

You can either add or replace fragment in your activity. Create a FrameLayout in activity layout xml file.

Then do this in your activity to add fragment:

FragmentManager manager = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = manager.beginTransaction();

And to replace fragment do this:

FragmentManager manager = getFragmentManager();
FragmentTransaction transaction = manager.beginTransaction();

See Android documentation on adding a fragment to an activity or following related questions on SO:

Difference between add(), replace(), and addToBackStack()

Basic difference between add() and replace() method of Fragment

Difference between add() & replace() with Fragment's lifecycle

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