Drawable Tinting for API <21

Drawable tinting for api 21

Use the AppCompatImageView like so:


Make sure you have the latest appcompat-v7 in your app's build.gradle.

Example: compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:25.0.0' in your app's build.gradle.

How to apply backgroundTint to a ViewGroup for API 21?

I'm not quite sure what the problem is, but I've found a workaround which works for API 21.

view.getBackground().setColorFilter(tint_color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_OVER);

has the same effect as


How to change drawable tint of a button below api level 23 programmatically in android

you are using PorterDuff.Mode.MULTIPLY, so you are multiplying colors. assuming (name of your drawable) your icon is black - #000000 or as int it will be 0. then 0 * GRAY (or any other color) will always give you 0, so still black...

try other PorterDuff.Modes, e.g. PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP or PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN

your current code will probably work with white version of icon, which should be colored properly with MULTIPLY

How change icons color on API 21?

I'm not sure what APIs you exactly mean by saying "backgroundTint and ImageTint", but there's a compatibility ViewCompat class which will backport some functionality up to API 4.

Amongst them are:

  • setBackgroundTintList(View, ColorStateList)
  • setBackgroundTintMode(View, ColorStateList)

If by saying "ImageTint" you meant android:tint or setImageTintList(), then this answers your question.

Custom RatingBar tinting API 21 with support library 22.1.1

With support library > 22 I managed to do this using getProgressDrawable

LayerDrawable stars = (LayerDrawable) bar.getProgressDrawable();
stars.getDrawable(0).setColorFilter(NONE_COLOR, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);
stars.getDrawable(1).setColorFilter(FULL_COLOR, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);
stars.getDrawable(2).setColorFilter(PARTIAL_COLOR, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP);

This didn't work before support library 22 so I think this will solve your problem.

Android TextView DrawableTint on pre v23 devices

AndroidX appcompat library supports tinting in TextView since version 1.1.0-alpha03 [ref].

Add dependencies to appcompat library

dependencies {
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0"

Then drawable in TextView can be tinted from XML like this

app:drawableTint="@color/red" />

Don't forget to include


and to extend your Activity from AppCompatActivity.

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