How to Track Time in Libgdx(Android)

How to track time in Libgdx(android)

The Screen's render(float delta) function gives you the amount of time that has passed by since the last render(..) call, in miliseconds, as float.

Therefore, a timer would just be the following:

public class GameScreen implements Screen
private float bonusTimer;

public GameScreen()
bonusTimer = 70f;

public void render(float delta)
for(float iter = 0; iter < delta; iter += 0.125f)
float iterNext = iter + 0.125f;
float currentDelta;
if(iterNext > delta)
currentDelta = delta - iter;
currentDelta = iterNext - iter;

bonusTimer -= currentDelta;
if(bonusTimer <= 0)
bonusTimer += 70f;

What you would want to do is set an instance of this GameScreen to be the active Screen in the descendant of the Game, your core class. Look here for more info:

Adjust the logic as needed (for example, having your own GameModel that resets itself upon the start of the game).

LibGDX Java game: Creating a stopwatch

You can store a float playTime which starts at 0.0f.

Every render cycle you increase it by float delta or (its the same).

The you can use a BitMapFont, for example, to draw it. You can also use Stage and use an UI-Widged, for example Label and set its background to a Texture of a stopwatch. Set the text of the BitMapFont to the playTime. A simple version of this:
Render mehtod:

font.draw(Float.toString(playTime), x, y);

Implement Google Analytics for Android LibGDX Game Screens

You should use the Google Analytics sdk only in the android project, not in the core project. In the core project should only be platform-independent code. Don't import android libs into your core project.

If you want to track a screen view within core project you should can achieve that by using an interface. There is a wiki guide for interfacing libgdx

Your interface for tracking screen views could be something similar to this:

public interface Trackable {
public void trackScreen(String screenName);

In your android project this method would then implement the Google Analytics tracking code.

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