Android Studio Build Fails with "Task '' Not Found in Root Project 'Myproject'."

Task 'lint' not found in root project 'My Project'. Some candidates are: 'init' React Native Expo SDK 45 Bare Workflow

I just reinstall the expo modules. from this

npx install-expo-modules@latest

And it removed the error.

Task ‘bintrayUpload’ not found in root project after update Android studio to 3.0

The solution was here: I had to add these lines in lib gradle.

// Place it at the end of the file
apply from: ''
apply from: ''

And it loads and adds bintray tasks to the gradle.

Android Studio: Task '-' not found in root project '[Project Name]' after speeding up build

I didn't know what to do, so as a last resort, I made a new project and copied over my code. I then hit File > Restart and rebuilt my project a couple of times. That worked! If anyone else finds the real answer that would be awesome to know.

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