Is My App or Its Dependencies Violating the Android Advertising Id Policy

How to fix Violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy and section 4.8 of the Developer Distribution Agreement

Because you made use of Google Play service it allows you to access advertiser ID as part of the API:

You can follow this Privacy policy guideline by Google for your project

Design-wise I would put it where it is visible. Tell your client why you use Google Play API and put it in word your client would understand.

As of the specific, this is pretty clear to me:

Read through the Usage of Android Advertising ID and User Data policies, as well as the Developer Distribution Agreement, and make appropriate changes to your app. If you decide to collect sensitive user information, be sure to abide by the above policies, and include a link to a valid privacy policy on your app's store listing page and within your app. Make sure that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies. Additional enforcement could occur if there are further policy violations. Sign in to your Play Console and submit the update to your app. Alternatively, you may opt-out of this requirement by removing any requests for sensitive permissions or user data.

Either you stop using Google Play service or you add a valid privacy policy in your description, in your app and on your app store.

My app violates the Android Advertising ID policy

You are using Appsflyer below sdk 4.3. This is the problem.
This is the email they sent all developers.

Hi there,

The AppsFlyer and Google Play teams are collaborating to ensure that
all advertisers using the AppsFlyer SDK are compliant with the Google
Play privacy policy. To avoid any disruption to your business, we
strongly encourage that all advertisers take the following steps.

If you are running the AppsFlyer SDK version 4.3 or earlier: Please
update to the latest AppsFlyer SDK as soon as possible to maintain
full compliance. If you have enabled IMEI collection in a newer SDK
version: Disable IMEI collection via the AppsFlyer SDK by removing the
following code
AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().setImeiData("IMEI_DATA_HERE") If your apps
are not yet compliant with the Google Play privacy policy, we
recommend that you correct your data collection in a timely manner.
For more information about the AppsFlyer SDK, please visit the Help
Center or contact your success manager.

Thank you, The AppsFlyer Team

React Native: Violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy and section 4.8 of the Developer Distribution Agreement

Disable advertising id collection

According to the Firebase docs you can disable advertising id collection by setting:

Add this meta-data in your AndroidManifest.xml under the <Application> tag

<meta-data android:name="google_analytics_adid_collection_enabled" android:value="false" />

And add configurations in your build.gradle

buildscript {
configurations {
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'firebase-core'
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'firebase-iid'
repositories {
dependencies {

resource : Is my app or its dependencies violating the Android Advertising Id policy?

How to solve violation of Usage of Android Advertising ID policy and section 4.8 with out updating APK file

Can I update the policy in the console alone without updating the app?

You can simply update the privacy policy URL from the Google Play Console.

You need to mention clearly that you don't collect any personally identifiable data and also mention about other data which may be collected by 3rd party libraries.

Can I just disable the AdMob ads completely without updating the app and will it get accepted?

You can disable ads from Admob's website. But since the Ad SDK is already packed into your app, doing so will not approve your app.

If the above is not possible then Is there a way to recover my app's source code from the google play console or APK files ?

You cannot fully recover the source code. But if you hadn't used proguard to obfuscate the source code, you might be able to get some part of it by decompiling the APK. You can use a tool called JADX to decompile the APK file.

What else can I do to solve this problem?

Apart from updating app without ads and updating privacy policy URL, you can create another similar app from scratch with same package name and signature. But I guess you don't have access to the Keystore, in that case updating privacy policy is your only option.

Play Store warning: You must complete the advertising ID declaration before you can release an app that targets Android 13 (API 33)

There are 2 steps that you have to follow to solve this problem.

  1. add permission in the manifest file.
  2. Go to your Google Play Console select the app which you are trying to upload then on the left side go to Policy -> App content in there fill the Advertising ID form.

So you have already done step 1. Now complete step 2 and upload your app again.

Action requested: Declare your Ad ID permission

If your app uses the Google Mobile Ads SDK(Admob) version 20.4.0 or higher, you can skip setting up the permission manually since the SDK automatically declares it

More informations here:

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