Sms Url on Android

SMS URL on Android

I found the following which may help you:

You can check sub-section 2.5 or 2.6 of this RFC to give you some additional pointers on formulating a proper SMS URL.

Eg. using formal URI-spec as detailed in sub-section 2.2 of rfc5724:

<a href="sms:+19725551212?body=hello%20there">SMS Me</a>  

Notice the 'escaped' character for the 'space' in the example above.

Hopefully the Android browser will permit you to generate XHTML forms based on this syntax. I believe they will (if I have some time over the next day, I shall give it a try on my Galaxy S).

SMS url without a number specified ( share button ) on android 9

Have you tried removing the /// from your link?

It doesn't seem to be a part of the SMS URI scheme

Instead try

<a href="sms:?body=Hello">

sending sms to url in android

SMS is a mobile network based task. And a URL is related to the Internet.
So you can't literally 'send an SMS' to a URL.
However, you can send some data to a URL using two methods - GET and POST.
For Example Look at Google's URL:

Here we are sending three parameters to the server:
1. q (=search terms)
2. safe (=active)
3. qscrl (=1)

The + in the URL is a whitespace.

Here's a link that show's the difference b/n GET and POST methods:

Add a deep link to a text message

I followed this to add Universal Link to the app.

Although in the new version of xcode. Adding the Associated Domains is done by clicking the + sign to left of capability when on the Signing & Capabilities tab.

This solved the issue without Firebase.

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